Growing and Maturing
“He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy
But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternitys sun rise”
William Blake
In this weekend we will explore a particular ego structure we call the soul child. The soul child has all the emotional, instinctual, alive, joyful, loving, troublesome qualities we were as a 2-4 year old. And went into hiding during the time of being taught how to take his/her place in the family, in society.
However our soul child is still around and, given the chance, will take over in troublesome ways, causing disruption in our life. By coming to terms with the immaturities of our soul child we can grow with grace and balance, reconnecting to our vibrant essential qualities.
In this weekend we will explore the maturation that can happen through understanding and integrating the soul child at the centre of our ego.
Intended for
- everyone with an interest in and a willingness to confront habitual troublesome patterns
- professionals who help others
- those interested in the Diamond Approach path
“The Diamond Approach is a superb combination of some of the best of modern Western psychology with ancient (and spiritual) wisdom. I recommend the Diamond Approach as probably the most balanced of the widely available spiritual psychologies/therapies” Ken Wilbur
“A masterpiece of integration of both the spiritual and psychotherapeutic traditions which is essential material for anyone concerned with helping others to develop a deeper sense of personhood or to liberate themselves from the repetition compulsion to suffer that defines the neurotic condition” David Boadella
Led by: Breda Perrem, MIAHIP ECP & John Smalenskas
Dates: 12th & 13th of June 2021
Venue: Online
Cost: 160 euro, 60 euro deposit secures registration, refundable before 1st June
Contact: Breda Perrem, bredap9@gmail.com, 087 0518420
John Smalenskas, thejohnjs@gmail.com, 089 4142895