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Current issue 

102 - Spring 2024



Our Journal Ethos

Inside Out is the journal of the membership of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy. Our journal is devoted to inspiring the sharing of ideas among those within and around the psychotherapy community. We invite submissions that articulate and explore the profession and heart of psychotherapy. Our aim is to embody the humanistic value of developing authentic relationships. Inside Out supports diversity and welcomes into dialogue all cultural, religious, social, racial and gender identities. Our aspiration is to inform, inspire, open dialogue and widen the debate. In giving readers space for their voices, we aim to facilitate diverse strands of thought and feeling that might open, develop, unfold and intertwine.

Online Catalogue and Mailing List

Inside Out is published three times a year. The charge for a one year subscription is €21.00. Please use the search tab to find articles of interest to you.

Paperback Issues

To subscribe to our journal, and receive a printed copy when it is published, three times a year, you may order and pay by clicking below. When the printed journal is distributed, we will publish the previous issue online.

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Please email to request copies of back issues. 

Contributing to Inside Out

The Editorial Board invites the IAHIP membership and those interested in psychotherapy to contribute to the ongoing vitality of our journal by writing articles about their experiences and insights in relation to psychotherapy, personal distress, and growth. We also welcome comment from our readership on articles published in Inside Out. In addition, we appreciate receiving reviews of books, workshops, conferences, films, and shows, and invite contributors to share how their reading, participation or viewing contributed to their understanding of psychotherapy or of humanity. And, don’t forget The Space…… this is an open space and may be used in any creative way to share thoughts, memories, drawings, aha moments. The only limitation is the structure of the page.

We invite informal contact regarding ideas for articles or contributions via the Editorial Board e-mail

Please also see our Formatting Guidelines.
In addition, criteria for membership of the Editorial Board can be viewed here.


Please see our Advertising Rates and Deadlines page.

Advertising queries for Inside Out should be sent to

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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