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Application for the category of Student Associate is open to students who:

  1. Are pursuing a training course in psychotherapy that meets all the requirements of Phase 1 of psychotherapy training specified by IAHIP's Accreditation Criteria as necessary for eventual accreditation and membership of the Association.  If the psychotherapy training course that an applicant is pursuing is not one that has achieved IAHIP recognition, an applicant will be responsible to ensure that the course they are currently on meets all the Accreditation Criteria.

  2. Must supply a letter of confirmation of student status from their training course provider/

  3. Agree to conduct their client practice as student psychotherapists in accordance with the IAHIP Code of Ethics and Practice for Psychotherapists; (However, as the Association disclaims any responsibility for either the client practice of students in psychotherapy training or the supervision thereof, nothing shall oblige the Association to respond to or deal with any complaint made against a Student Associate.)

In order to apply for Student Associate status, you will need to meet the criteria laid down in Bye-Law 4

Fees for these categories shall be fixed from time to time by IAHIP and shall be payable on 1st January each year.

Student Associate Application Form

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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