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There are two options regarding advertising to the IAHIP membership - INSIDE OUT Journal and Online Classifieds.


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Adverts received are approved based on our Advertising Policy 

Click on the sections above for full details on each category. 

Classified Adverts received by 9.30am on Monday morning, will be posted on the website and emailed to the IAHIP Members on Tuesday of the same week. (please note there may be exceptions to this with public holidays)

Please supply:

  1. The wording of your advert in a Word document or PDF. 

  2. An optional image to be used in the ad as a banner or principal image, max width of 600px. A cropped version of this will be used as a thumbnail (square format only).

  3. Images can only be accepted in .gif, .jpg, or .png format. Please send your image in a separate file, images embedded into an other document cannot be used. You may include an optional, smaller, square image, to be used instead of your primary image as a thumbnail, which will appear beside your listing on our Classifieds page.

  4. An optional PDF file of your brochure/flyer can be added to the listing. Please ensure this is sent as a PDF. 

  5. Please ensure that you have included a contact phone number to ensure we are able to contact you. 

  6. If you wish us to delay publication until a specific date, please indicate in the Comments, and ensure you are available to approve it on that day.

  7. For adverts in Inside Out please see here>>

  8. Students submitting a research project advert must include their Study Participant Information Sheet. 

Please use the LINK below to submit your advert. 


1. All adverts must adhere to the IAHIP Advertising Policy
2. Formatting and design is standardised on our website, and we do not offer the facility to change fonts or conform to specific design requirements in any particular ad.
3. By posting an ad on our site, you agree to the following statement:

I agree that I am solely responsible for the content of any classified ads that I post on this website. All goods, training and/or services that I am advertising are my responsibility alone. I will not hold IAHIP Ltd., the owner of this website, responsible for any losses or damages that may result directly or indirectly from any ads that I post here, and I accept that IAHIP Ltd has the right to decline to publish my ad and refund the fee without offering any explanation, and that IAHIP Ltd is not liable for any damages or loss of income resulting from such a refusal.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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