FLi Clinical Program of Study 2021-2022
Freud's Case Studies in Contemporary Contexts
October 29, 2021 - May 27, 2022

Course Description: The program takes the psychoanalytic clinic as a starting point to consider key areas of psychological presentation and suffering that characterise the modern era. Clinical practice, beginning with Freud, revealed that symptoms could be grouped into a small number of diagnostic fields: hysteria, obsessional neurosis, psychosis, and perversion. This course explores all six of Freud’s major case studies, dedicating three weeks to each, as a backdrop to considering what analysands present with today and assessing the similarities and differences to Freud’s and Lacan’s clinical practices. The course will be of interest to practitioners, trainees, students, and those seeking to consider in-depth links between psychoanalytic theory, clinical practice, and the impact of contemporary culture on subjectivity.
Seminars will take place by Zoom on Fridays from 19:00-21:00 (Dublin-GMT). Each 3-week block of seminars will be co-delivered by two highly experienced tutors who are also clinical practitioners.
Tutors: Anne Worthington, Guy Le Gaufey (Paris), Astrid Gessert (London), Annie Rogers (Amherst), Rik Loose, (Dublin), Leon Brenner (Berlin), Rolf Flor (Boston), Anouchka Grose (London), Patricia Gherovici (Philadelphia), Carol Owens (Dublin), Kristen Hennessey (Pennsylvania), Jamieson Webster (New York), Olga Cox Cameron (Dublin), Eve Watson, facilitator (Dublin). Full bios listed below.
Required Reading: All 6 of Freud’s major case studies plus a small number of additional readings may be set by the course tutors.
CPD: 2 continuous professional development (CPD) points will be awarded per individual seminar, 38 points for the full course of 19 seminars. CPD awarded by APPI, the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland (https://appi.ie).
Registration via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fli-course-freuds-case-studies-incontemporary-context-oct-2021-may-2022-tickets-168080404013
FLi Webpage: https://freudlacaninstitute.com/event/freuds-case-studies-in-contemporarycontexts/
Program Fees
1 Module: €90 (3 weeks)
Half Course of 3 Modules: €250 (9 weeks)
Full Course of 6 Modules: €450 (18 weeks)
Introductory Seminar: The 6 Cases and the Structure of Hysteria
Date: October 29th (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutor: Anne Worthington
Module 1
The “Rat-Man” and the Function of Rituals, Obsessions and Compulsions
Dates: Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Guy Le Gaufey and Astrid Gessert
Module 2
“Wolf-Man”: A Serious Neurosis or Untriggered Psychosis?
Dates: Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Rik Loose and Annie Rogers
Module 3
“Schreber” and the Necessity for Working with Psychosis Today
Dates: Feb 11, Feb 18, Feb 25 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Leon Brenner and Rolf Flor
Module 4
The “Young Homosexual Girl,” Sexuality, and the Psychoanalysis of Women
Dates: Mar 11, Mar 18, April 1 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Anouchka Grose and Patricia Gherovici
Module 5
“Little Hans” and Children’s Phobias and Symptoms in Context
Dates: April 8, April 22, May 6 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Carol Owens and Kristen Hennessy
Module 6
From “Dora” to “Conversion Disorder”: Contemporary Clinical Aspects of Hysteria
Dates: May 13, May 20, May 27 (19:00-21:00 Dublin-GMT)
Tutors: Olga Cox Cameron and Jamieson Webster
Leon S. Brenner is a philosopher and psychoanalytic counsellor from Berlin. His work focuses on subjectivity theory and the understanding of the relationship between culture and psychopathology. His book The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language was published with the Palgrave Lacan Series in 2020. Among his extensive international academic speaking and various publications, Brenner has made numerous appearances in interviews and video publications online. He is a founder of Lacanian Affinities Berlin and Unconscious Berlin and is currently a research fellow at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin and Ruhr-University Bochum. Website: leonbrenner.com
Olga Cox Cameron is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Dublin for the past thirty-three years. She lectured in psychoanalytic theory and also in psychoanalysis and literature at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin and Trinity College Dublin from 1991-2013. She has published numerous articles on these topics in national and international journals. She is the founder of the annual Irish Psychoanalysis and Cinema Festival, now in its 13th year.
Rolf Flor is a psychoanalyst in private practice. He is also Clinical Director for the Eliot Center in Lynn, where he oversees the training, education and supervision programs. He has published in numerous journals and edited collections. He has taught at schools in the United States and Germany, most recently clinical practice at Boston College and Lacanian Theory at the Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Astrid Gessert is a psychoanalyst and a member of CFAR (Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research London, https://cfar.org.uk) and the College of Psychoanalysts-UK. She has worked for many years in the NHS, in private practice and as a supervisor. She is a regular contributor to the CFAR annual public lecture and training program, and she lectures and facilitates at other psychoanalytic organisations’ event. Her book is an edited collection titled Obsessional Neurosis: Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018). She features in the well-known short series of videos about psychoanalysis made by the Freud Museum London.
Patricia Gherovici is a psychoanalyst and analytic supervisor. She is co-founder and director of the Philadelphia Lacan Group and Associate Faculty, Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, University of Pennsylvania (PSYS), an Honorary member at IPTAR, the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research in New York City, and a Founding Member of Das Unbehagen. Her books include The Puerto Rican Syndrome (Other Press: 2003) winner of the Gradiva Award and the Boyer Prize, Please Select Your Gender: From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism (Routledge: 2010) and Transgender Psychoanalysis: A Lacanian Perspective on Sexual Difference (Routledge: 2017). She has published two edited volumes (both with Manya Steinkoler) Lacan On Madness: Madness, Yes You Can't ( Routledge: 2015) and Lacan, Psychoanalysis and Comedy (Cambridge University Press: 2016). Most recently, she published a collection (with Chris Christian) Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class, and the Unconscious (Routledge: 2019.) She is completing (with Manya Steinkoler) Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Sexualities: From Feminism to Trans (Cambridge University Press: forthcoming 2021).
Anouchka Grose is a British-Australian Lacanian psychoanalyst and writer. She is a member of The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, where she lectures. Her journalism has been published by The Guardian, and The Independent, and her short stories have appeared in Granta Magazine and The Erotic Review. Her book is an edited collection titled Hysteria Today (Karnac: 2016).
Kristen Hennessey is a psychologist in private practice in rural Pennsylvania where she specialises in the treatment of children and adolescents in the “system.” Her presentations include Lacanian clinical work with children and adolescents with histories of abuse, psychoanalysis and intellectual disability, traumatised masculinities, and the intersections of psychoanalysis and qualitative research. In addition to her work in the USA, she has experience developing and running psychoanalytically-informed seminars for orphanage caregivers in Kenya.
Guy Le Gaufey was a member of the École Freudienne de Paris and co-founded the Lacanian journal Littoral and the École lacanienne de psychanalyse. He has written and published widely in French, English, and Spanish and has also translated books from English to French, including the work of Philip Larkin (see www.legaufey.fr).
Rik Loose is a member of ICLO-NLS, APPI, the NLS (New Lacanian School) and the WAP (World Association of Psychoanalysis). He is former Head of Department of Psychoanalysis in DBS School of Arts and former Senior Lecturer there. He also initiated, developed and presided over an MA in Addiction Studies in the same college.
Carol Owens works in private practice in Dublin. Her book Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children, and Adolescents (co-edited with Stephanie Farrelly Quinn) was published in 2017 (Karnac/Routledge) and nominated for the Gradiva award. She has given seminars and talks on her work with at national and international psychoanalytic events. Her most recent book is Psychoanalysing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan: On and Off the Couch (with Stephanie Swales) published in 2020 (Routledge). She is the series editor for Studying Lacan’s Seminars at Routledge.
Annie G. Rogers is Professor Emerita of Psychoanalysis and Clinical Psychology at Hampshire College and has a private practice in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is a supervising and teaching Analyst at the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis in San Francisco and Vice-President of its Board. She is a printmaker and member of Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence, Massachusetts. Formerly a Fulbright Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; Radcliffe and Murray Fellow at Harvard University; Whiting Fellow at Hampshire College; and Erikson Scholar at Austen Riggs, Dr. Rogers is the author of A Shining Affliction: A Story of Harm and Healing in Psychotherapy (1995); The Unsayable: The Hidden Language of Trauma (2005); and Incandescent Alphabets: Psychosis and the Enigma of Language (2016).
Jamieson Webster is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York city. She is also a cultural commentator and has written for Artforum, Apology, Cabinet, The Guardian, Playboy, Spike, and The New York Times. She is the author of several books including The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis (2011) and Conversion Disorder: Listening to the Body in Psychoanalysis (2018); she also co-wrote, with Simon Critchely, Stay, Illusion! The Hamlet Doctrine (2013. She teaches at the New School and supervises doctoral students in clinical psychology at the City University of New York.
Anne Worthington is a psychoanalyst, practicing in South London. She is a member of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research (CFAR) and the Guild of Psychotherapists, and contributes to their training programmes, and is a member of the College of Psychoanalysts– UK. She published “Beyond Queer” in Hysteria Today, ed. Anouchka Grose (Karnac: 2016).
Eve Watson (facilitator) is a psychoanalytic practitioner and lectures on psychoanalysis in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Dublin. She has published several dozen articles and book chapters on psychoanalysis, sexuality, culture, and film. She co-edited the book Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory (Punctum: 2017) with Noreen Giffney. She is the editor of Lacunae, the International Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis, and is course director of (FLi,) the Freud Lacan Institute (www.freudlacaninstitute.com). She is currently working on an edited book collection about the drive.
Freud Lacan institute (FLi)
FLi is dedicated to supporting and promoting psychoanalysis in Ireland and around the world. It brings together clinicians, students, scholars, researchers and anyone interested in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a unique practice in treating mental suffering and is a revered approach to thinking about the world. It is used in cultural, literary, film, and art theory and has links to philosophy, medicine, and neuroscience. FLi collaborates with organisations such as APPI (Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland) to support the exploration of important and topical issues of local, national and international interest. FLI aims to make psychoanalysis accessible to all those who are interested in it. See www.freudlacaninstitute.com