Why Sensorimotor Psychotherapy?
20th November 2021
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Do you struggle to help numb, disconnected clients who can’t feel emotion or explore inner experience? Do your clients get ‘stuck’ in overwhelming emotions and self-destructive impulses rather than resolving the trauma? Do you believe that the body ‘holds the legacy of trauma,’ but lack the skills to address the somatic effects of painful past experience?
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy was developed by Pat Ogden, PhD, informed by the works of Ron Kurtz and the Rolf method, and enriched by the contributions from the research on attachment, trauma, neuroscience and dissociation. This introductory presentation is a glimpse of the theory and techniques gained in the Training for the Treatment of Trauma - including the Window of Tolerance, Tracking the Body, and Vocabulary for Sensorimotor Experiencing, Bottom-Up Prosing, and Mindfulness.
In Person Introductory Presentation Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Presented by: Anne Kirwan SP Organizer, Ireland
Ashe House - Center for MindBody Integration
Register and pay online at www.ashehouse.ie including your name and
Ref: INTRO NOV on payment details.
Contact Anne directly at info@ashehouse.ie if preferred payment is by bank transfer. Learn more about SP at www.sensorimotor.org
Workshop Information:
Date: 20th November 2021
Hours: 10.00-5.00 PM
Venue: Ashe House
Adequate breaks throughout the day to facilitate Covid-19 guidelines
CPD Certs: 5.5 Contact hours provided by email
Cost of full day €90
Receipts provided by email
Light lunch included