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  • 10/05/2022 15:07 | Anonymous

    Do you dream about building an online business by sharing your wisdom, advice, your expertise, and knowledge?  

    But you do not know where to start or how to create it.

    As a psychotherapist you...

    • love taking your clients on a journey of transformation
    • adore helping others improve and heal their own lives
    • have a passion to help others tap into their true potential
    • are elated when your clients make breakthroughs and get those lightbulb moments
    • feel it is your purpose to help your clients tap into their natural healing potential

    BUT you also...

    • get overwhelmed with your client load at times
    • burnout from overworking and overdelivering
    • want to move away from the solidarity of 1:1 work
    • would love to impact more people, but there are only so many hours and energy in the day. 
    • have to take as little time off as possible, because if you don't see clients, you don't get paid

    Does any of the above sound familiar?

    You are not alone!

    Some of my most heart-centred clients are therapists and they LOVE what they do.

    They overwork and over-give for many reasons.

    They want to specialise in a specific field, but are afraid to show away any clients or fear they have to take any clients that come their way because they do not want to show away any "income". 

    So they feel trapped in this weird money-time-client dance. 

    They dream of raising their fees, but wouldn't dare, because it will be more than the average "going-rate". 

    They often undervalue their knowledge and expertise and therefore undercharge. 

    They would love to grow their practice in a sustainable and ethical way, that feels good to them energetically and financially. 

    Hi, my name is Jo-Anne Mac Millan and I would love to help you transform your private practice.

    Having had a private psychotherapy practice for 14 years, I understand many of the pitfalls and the joys of having a private practice.

    I also understand the many fears psychotherapist might have around “tech” and how to manage it all.

    The last couple of years especially have shown how important it is to move your business online, but many feel that they need someone else to “run” the tech for them and they have questions then about confidentiality or losing “ownership” of their private practice.

    That does not have to be the way and there is a solution to transition in a wonderfully empowered way to having a dream online business or even “hybrid” therapy practice.

    So that you can:

    • Free up your time
    • Stop swopping time for money, by serving your clients in a different way. 
    • Make a bigger impact
    • Create a signature online program 
    • Build a membership or online community 
    • Move your 1:1 work to group work online
    • Turn your expertise and years of experience into a certificate program
    • Live in a warmer climate during the winter without it interrupting your cash flow. 

    If this sounds like something you would like to do.

    Please get in touch for a no-obligation connection call, so that we can discover how you can move your business online. You can book a call here:

    Special Announcement

    I am also looking for 5 therapists who want to create a signature online program for their practice.

    I’m specifically looking for individuals who:

    1. Feel like the way they currently “work” needs to change.
    2. Currently work with clients 1:1 in-person and want to move their work online
    3. Are experienced in a specific area and want to create an online program
    4. Want to move from 1:1 to doing more group work online 
    5. Have a burning desire to change their career and do something more fulfilling and on “purpose”

    If you said “yes” to one of the items above, then send me and email to with “HUMMINGBIRD” in the Subject line and and I’ll share more details.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • 03/05/2022 14:35 | Anonymous

    RESEARCH - Jennifer Dunne

    You are invited to take part in the above titled research study undertaken in part completion of MA Psychotherapy (DBS). The aim of this study is to further the understanding of how psychotherapists work with clients grieving the death of a pet.

    Participants should be fully accredited with IAHIP. They should also have experience of working with clients for whom the death of a pet made up a significant portion of the psychotherapeutic work.

    This interview will seek to identify participants’ understanding of pet loss and how it affects their clients; to understand how participants’ effectively help and support their clients who are grieving for a pet and to explore meaning making in psychotherapy in relation to pet loss.


    Participants are invited to take part in an interview that will take 1 hour, either online or face-to-face.

    If you are interested in taking part, please contact Jenny Dunne:

    Contact details: M: 085 752 1914; E:

  • 27/04/2022 13:14 | Anonymous

    Therapy Rooms for Rent in Dublin City

    We invite pre-accredited and accredited psychotherapists to join our practice at 5 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2

       Join an Experienced and Supportive Team of Psychotherapists

       Evening and Daytime Rental Blocks Available at Affordable Rates

       Newly Furbished, Equipped & Soundproofed Therapy Rooms

       Free Clinical Referrals and Online Scheduling Calendar

       High Speed Wifi for Online / Video Sessions

       Open 5 Days a Week from 8am to 10pm

    Please contact us on 01 661 2220 | Email:

    For more details & photos see:

  • 26/04/2022 13:34 | Anonymous

    May 2022 Courses

    Are you interested in integrating nature into your therapy practice? If so, these highly interactive and practical CPD offerings might be just the thing for you. Come Join me in May!

    Course 1: 3 Day/15 Hour CPD: Outdoor Psychotherapy Training

    Cost: €300

    • Delivered Online via Zoom
    • Experiential Exercises Outdoors at Home
    • Saturday 7th , 14th , 21st May 2022
    • 8:30am – 2:30pm GMT
    • Max 10 Participants

    Course 2: 1 Day/6 Hr CPD : Experiential Outdoor Process & Skills Development

    Cost: €120

    • Delivered In-Person via Workshop
    • Takes Place outdoors in The Glen woods, Ennistymon, Co. Clare
    • Sunday 8th May 2022
    • 9:30am – 5pm
    • Max 10 Participants

    Contact Joanne for more details, Booking and Previous Participant Feedback..



    Phone: 087 713 3737

  • 26/04/2022 13:27 | Anonymous

    Unique opportunity to acquire a long-established and
    well-regarded psychotherapy practice

    located in Dublin North City, 3 kilometres from O’Connell Street.

    Strong referral base through General Practitioners in the immediate area and extending to North and West Dublin, Meath and surrounding counties.

    This opportunity will appeal to individuals or groups of enthusiastic and energetic psychotherapy practitioners who wish to avail of the significant potential in acquiring an already well-established practice.

    For further information contact:

    Hugh Arthurs or 087-9583749

    Mary Arthurs or 086-8518171

  • 26/04/2022 12:45 | Anonymous


    The group will provide a space for exploration, support and creativity for therapists.

    Karina Tynan has been a practitioner for twenty two years and a supervisor for fourteen years.That includes experience with therapist training groups and as a group therapist. Further trainings include Integrative Bodywork and The Dynamics of Attachment. She has studied the dramatic arts via The Michael Chekhov Method and its relevance for the creativity living in the individual soul of each person. She is also an author who has explored myth and archetype via Irish mythology.

    A monthly group of four (three and the supervisor) will take place in person on Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm to 8pm and the cost is €50 per session. All levels of experience welcome.

    For more information contact via email : or phone : 086 865 4812

  • 26/04/2022 12:22 | Anonymous

    RESEARCH Jennifer McCarthy Flynn

    Dear Colleague,

    I am writing to invite your participation in my research study entitled: 

    In Relationship in Ireland: An exploration of how women are meeting women in the psychotherapeutic relationship in an unequal society

    I am a student on the MSc in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy in Turning Point Institute (TPI) and University College Cork (UCC). The MSc requires the completion of a research study relating to psychotherapy.

    The purpose of the study is to explore how women psychotherapists and women clients are meeting in the therapeutic relationship in an unequal society.

    The research will involve accredited members of a national body in Ireland, including ICP, IAHIP, IACP, NAPCP, PSI, APCP, with two years or more experience who may be in centre based or in private practice. If you are an accredited Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist who identifies as a woman and has had clients who identify as women and are interested in the topic of the study, you are eligible to take part.

    If you would like to take part, you will be invited to participate in an interview that will take approximately one hour, at a mutually agreed time and place. Your participation is voluntary.

    If you wish to take part or would like more information on the study, you can contact me at

    Thank you for your consideration

    Kind regards,

    Jennifer McCarthy Flynn

    In Relationship in Ireland: An exploration of how women are meeting women in the psychotherapeutic relationship in an unequal society

  • 19/04/2022 16:49 | Anonymous

    Being Human: Six Ways We Need Each Other
     with psychotherapist Emma Philbin Bowman

    a live journey, Tuesday evenings on zoom

    6-7.30pm (Irish) May 17 through June 14

    In Being Human, psychotherapist, writer and facilitator Emma Philbin Bowman combines live sessions with presentations on Teachable. This live offering will explore the rich territory of our relational lives with the support of a small, intentional group.

    Drawing on an integrative model informed by neuroscience and Kohut’s self-psychology, this accessible course explores six forms of connection each of us need in order to thrive: containment, mirroring, twinship, adversity, resonance and partnership. Participants will develop a clear, intuitive understanding of each form and its unique value and potency in our lives with others.

    Each week will have two elements: the week's content - in clear accessible kernels on Teachable - and a live session, where Emma will present the theme and blend group work with more intimate inquiry exercises. (Access to course content is available for two years).

    This material is evocative but gentle, providing a refreshing and spacious lens by which to revisit our lives with others. Originally inspired by Stephen Cope’s exceptional template in Soul Friends, this course celebrates our value to one another and how different forms of connection enable us to thrive across the arc of our lives. 

    Being Human draws on the self-object work of Heinz Kohut, and is also informed by Winnicott, Hillman and contemporary neuroscience. It is designed to benefit participants in their personal process and in their work with others.

    Emma's ability to communicate complex concepts and themes in simple language is a gift...’ Maria, Cork


    This course is also available as a stand-alone offering without live sessions: special IAHIP pricing here email with any queries


    "Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all."

    Erik Erikson

  • 12/04/2022 15:33 | Anonymous

    We are now accepting applications for the 2022/2023 Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9).

    The following link  includes course details, schedule of dates and application procedure.  Please note application is on-line only through the RCSI website on the following link:

    The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 4th May 2022.

    Please feel free to circulate details of the course to those it may be of relevance to.

    We are also running an online open information evening in relation to this course for prospective applicants.

    If you would like to attend and learn more about the course, please register using the link below:-

    Professional Certificate in Children and Loss 7 April from 7pm - 8pm

    To book a place please use the following link: Open Evening: Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9) Tickets, Thu 7 Apr 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

    Applications are invited from professionals whose work brings them into contact with children who are bereaved through a family death or parental separation. The course will be of interest to social workers, teachers, chaplains, social care workers, psychologists, counsellors, nurses and others who meet bereaved children in their work.

    If you have any queries, please contact Iris Murray email: Tel. 01 679 3188

  • 12/04/2022 15:17 | Anonymous

    Are you interested in integrating nature into your therapy practice? If so, these highly interactive and practical CPD offerings might be just the thing for you. Come Join me in May!

    Course 1: 


    Outdoor Psychotherapy CPD Training

    • 3 Day – 15 Hour CPD Course
    • Delivered Online via Zoom
    • Experiential Exercises Outdoors at Home
    • Saturday 7th , 14th , 21st May 2022
    • 8:30am – 2:30pm GMT
    • Max 10 Participants

    Course 2:

    Experiential Outdoor Process Work & Skills Development

    • 1 Day – 6 Hour CPD Course
    • Delivered In-Person via Workshop
    • Takes Place in The Glen, Ennistymon, Co. Clare
    • Sunday 8th May 2022
    • 9:30am – 5pm
    • Max 10 Participants

    Contact or visit

    For Booking Form and Previous Participant Feedback

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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