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Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9).

12/04/2022 15:33 | Anonymous

We are now accepting applications for the 2022/2023 Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9).

The following link  includes course details, schedule of dates and application procedure.  Please note application is on-line only through the RCSI website on the following link:

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 4th May 2022.

Please feel free to circulate details of the course to those it may be of relevance to.

We are also running an online open information evening in relation to this course for prospective applicants.

If you would like to attend and learn more about the course, please register using the link below:-

Professional Certificate in Children and Loss 7 April from 7pm - 8pm

To book a place please use the following link: Open Evening: Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9) Tickets, Thu 7 Apr 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

Applications are invited from professionals whose work brings them into contact with children who are bereaved through a family death or parental separation. The course will be of interest to social workers, teachers, chaplains, social care workers, psychologists, counsellors, nurses and others who meet bereaved children in their work.

If you have any queries, please contact Iris Murray email: Tel. 01 679 3188