Dublin Rape Crisis Centre Vacancies
4 Part-Time Psychotherapists/Counsellors (three-day week)
3 positions on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
1 position on Thursday, Friday, Saturday (1-year fixed term contract)
Leeson St & Outreach as required
Subject to Túsla continued funding
Vacancies have arisen on the Monday Therapy Team for three three-day positions (Monday to Wednesday).
One vacancy on the Thursday Therapy Team for a three-day position (Thursday to Saturday).
We are inviting applications for Psychotherapists /Counsellors to work on a part-time basis. The successful candidates must have professional counselling/psychotherapy qualifications and must be fully accredited at the time of application with IAHIP, IACP or other modalities of ICP.
The successful candidates will work as part of the Monday or Thursday team, providing face to face crisis counselling and psychotherapy services to people who have experienced recent or past rape, sexual assault and/or childhood sexual abuse.
The successful candidate’s normal place of work will be at the Company’s offices at 70 Lower Leeson Street or other outreach offices requested by the Company (DRCC outreaches are located in Coolock, Balbriggan, Tallaght and Dóchas Women’s prison).
All prospective employees are required to declare prior convictions and whether they have been or ever having been the subject of any investigation or enquiry into abuse or other inappropriate behaviour. Gardaí Vetting is a requirement.
How to apply
Please download an application form from the DRCC website via the following link:
complete and return with current CV and a short cover letter to
Please put MONDAY in the subject line of your email, if applying for the Monday-Wednesday positions, or THURSDAY in the subject line if applying for the Thursday-Saturday position.
Closing date for receipt of applications: 31st August 2021
Interviews will be held: 6th & 7th September 2021
DRCC requests your permission to collect and store your data.