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Susie Orbach is a celebrated psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, writer and co-founder of The Women’s Therapy Centre in London (1976) and The WTCI in New York (1981).

She is the author of many books. Her first book 'Fat is a Feminist Issue' has been continuously in print since 1978. 'Bodies' (which won the APA Psychology of Women’s Book Prize in 2009) was updated in 2019.

    Her most recent, 'In Therapy: The Unfolding Story' is an expanded edition of In Therapy (an annotated version of the BBC series listened to live by 2 million people).

    For ten years, she was Visiting Professor of Psychoanalysis and Social Policy at London School of Economics. She was Academic Visitor at Hertford College, Oxford. She is the recipient of many honorary doctorates from the Universities of Roehampton, Westminster, East London, London Metropolitan and Essex and has lectured and supervised worldwide.

    She is the recipient of the Inaugural British Psychoanalytic Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL) in 2019.

    She continues to help many individuals and couples from her practice in London.


    As a contributor, Susie had published many articles across the UK media. You can access a selection of these articles by clicking on the titles below.

    The Guardian: 'Body Uniformity is out of Control'

    The Observer: 'We don't have to be overwhelmed by climate anxiety. Feel the pain, then act'

    The Guardian: 'Weight Watchers wins when our diets fail - it won't change society's broken thinking around food'

    The Guardian: 'We are all vulnerable: that's where a new conversation about masculinity begins'

    The Observer: 'Working from home: how it changes us forever'

    SPEAKER SESSION 2: Diversity within Mental Health

    Liliana Morales and Angie McLaughlin will be exploring the inequalities in Mental Health in terms of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio economic class and disability. They will be encouraging reflection on how we position ourselves in order to meet the needs of our diverse communities in the therapeutic realm.

    Find out more about these speakers below.



    Angie McLaughlin is a cis gender heterosexual woman (she/her). She was brought up working class in Scotland, with an Irish father and Scottish mother, and married into an African American family. She is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist and Family Therapist with a passion for exploring Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity in both her professional and personal life. 

    After completing her training in San Francisco as a Marriage and Family therapist in 1997, she went on to work in community mental health in San Francisco for several years before returning to Ireland.  Working with marginalised groups such as those at risk for homelessness, ethnic minorities, the LGBTI+ community and people diagnosed with HIV allowed her to witness first-hand the direct relationship between poor mental health and discrimination. Throughout her career she has brought an EDI lens to her work in multiple types of organisations with adults, youth, couples, families and groups. She values the diversity in the work that she has done which has allowed her to be challenged by different perspectives on an ongoing basis. Along with Liliana Morales, she is co-founder of PARC Training and has developed and delivered training on proactive non-discriminatory practice for mental health professionals. She co-formed the EDI subcommittee in Family Therapy Association of Ireland and represents this group on the FTAI Executive Board. Her current position is in youth mental health as Regional Clinical Manager  for Jigsaw. She continues her life long striving to have humility when working with people who are different from her.



    Liliana Morales is a migrant woman, and Counselling Psychologist, originally from Colombia. She is a Latin American mestiza, and Colombian-Irish. Liliana has 20 years’ experience working therapeutically with asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland in the public service sector, and she is now working in the voluntary sector managing services for survivors of torture. She is the Therapy Manager and Acting Head of Clinical Services in Spirasi. She is involved in delivering training for doctoral psychology trainees (Clinical, Counselling and Educational), psychologists and other mental health and health care professionals on cultural competence/cultural humility/migrants’ mental health.

    She’s a member of PSI and was a co-founder of the Culture and Ethnic Diversity SIG, no longer in existence. Along with Angie McLaughlin, she is co-founder of PARC Training. She has been invited to deliver key note speeches, and participated at events, organised by special interest groups and women’s mental health networks. She provides supervision to staff at a voluntary organisation who works with vulnerable populations and forced migrants. Liliana has a passion for culturally inclusive practice, challenging systems, politics, social justice issues and diversity within psychology/mental health and the health space in general. She lives with her tri-cultural family in Dublin.



    Imogen trained as a psychosynthesis psychotherapist and has worked in public, voluntary and private settings over the last two decades. She has become increasingly aware in recent years of the importance of the environmental context and setting in her work with clients. She is currently undertaking a Master's degree in Ecology and Spirituality at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, and has undertaken research into psychotherapists' beliefs and attitudes towards climate change as part of the programme. She has also completed a short training with the Climate Psychology Alliance on hosting and facilitating a Climate Café. She lives in rural north county Sligo.


    Eimir McGrath PhD


    Eimir is a Psychotherapist and Play Therapist who specialises in attachment, complex trauma and dissociative disorders. She works with both children and adults with and without disabilities and  is a founder member of Disability Psychotherapy Ireland and Secretary of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, UK. She is the Irish representative for the  European Society for Trauma and Dissociation and holds the Advanced Certificate in the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). 

    As Co-Director of the Relate Ability Centre, she provides psychotherapy, supervision and consultancy to various agencies and services throughout Ireland. Eimir is a researcher, writer, lecturer and trainer in several disciplines including psychotherapy, play therapy, critical disability studies and dance.

    SPEAKER: Dr. Evelyn P. Gilmore

    B.A. (Hons), M.Sc., Prof. D., C. Psychol., Ps.S.I.,  IAHIP  

    Evelyn is a consultant work & organisational psychologistandan accredited psychotherapist. She has an honours degree in psychology from the University of Galway and a first-class honours master’s in work & organisational psychology from Dublin City University. She undertook her Diploma in Psychotherapy in Tracht Psychotherapy Centre, Kinvara, Co. Galway. In addition, Evelyn has completed a three-year Tavistock Consulting to Organisations (TQC) programme and has completed a professional Doctorate in Consultation and the Organisation with the Tavistock in London accredited by the University of Essex.

    She is a chartered psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland (P.S.I.), a full member of their Work & Organisational Psychology division, and a full member of the P.S.I.’s Division of Psychotherapy.   She is also an accredited psychotherapist with the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (I.A.H.I.P.).    

    Evelyn is founder and director of Psychodynamics at Work, and is joint director of Coach Institute of Ireland.  She works with individuals, groups and organisations using a client-centered, psychodynamic and systemic lens and has facilitatedtrainings forpsychotherapists and consultants to help them use a systems psychodynamic lens when working with groups and organisations. Evelyn has a special interest in the creation of a holding environment, and her final doctorate research focused on the creation of a holding environment in an organisational setting. Her current clients include individuals, groups and organisations from the public, private and not-for-profit sector, and she has been a Visiting Lecturer to Doctorate Students in the Tavistock.  



    Matthew Henson is an existential psychotherapist,psychotherapy trainer and group facilitator based in Cork. He is a former ordinary member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy’s(IAHIP) governing body and was for a brief period the honorary treasurer. His substantive psychotherapy training was in existential psychotherapy at Regent’s College (now University), London, between 2001 and 2006. He subsequently trained in ecopsychology (Wild Therapy) in 2012 and has been running ecopsychology and ecotherapy workshops and trainings since then, in Ireland, the UK, Poland and online. He also completed an apprenticeship-based Certificate in Counsellor Training at Cork Counselling Centre Training Institute in 2016.

    He is a longstanding member of Ecopsychologists UK, former vice chair of the Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy Association of Ireland and a founding member of the Ecotherapy Network Ireland. He has work published in the International Review of Psychiatry, Existential Analysis and IAHIP’s Inside Out. Matthew is particularly interested in the application of existential-phenomenology in support of socially responsiblepsychotherapy and how therapists can embody place and time in the therapeutic encounter. He co-facilitates CPD workshops exploring these themes and is currently developing a more substantive training programme. Further information is available via his website: www.matthewhenson.ie



    Marion is Accredited with Addiction Counsellors Ireland and IAHIP as counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor. 

    Founder member of Silent Voices campaign under Alcohol Action Ireland 2019 - present. She is from a family impacted by parental problem alcohol use. Marion provides psychotherapy private practice including training and supervision in Kildare. She has over 30 years experience as a HSE employee in addiction and trauma counselling fields.


    Dr Alison Morrow

    Alison Morrow is a practicing |Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Prior to her core training with the Institute of Creative Counselling and Psychotherapy in Dun Laoghaire between 1998-2002, she was a social worker and project manager with children and young people from the care and criminal justice system in Belfast. 

    Alison subsequently trained as a play based Child Psychotherapist with the Children's Therapy Centre,  Ireland; and has worked for several years in both mainstream mental health and community based provision with children and their families.   For the past few years Alison has been supervising Psychotherapists including students and qualified Psychotherapists engaging in both Adult work and child and adolescent work.  She now maintains her own private practice. 

    Alison has lived with a challenging medical condition for about 20 years and this has also informed her journey with herself and her professional development 

    In recent years she has been actively engaging in Jungian Dream work and somatic based trauma therapies including training with Marion Dunlea's Body Dreaming programme. She has also recently expanded her enquiry into the field of training in therapeutic parenting.  She is interested in the many Cross fertilisation opportunities that have arisen out of her own experiences both personally and professionally, which have led her to forge her own  particular path and would like to explore this in dialogue with others.


    Niamh Walsh

    A psychotherapist and coach, Niamh completed a Professional Diploma in Business & Executive Coaching at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and an MA in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy in The Tivoli Institute – with a dissertation focused on chronic pain. Niamh is a board member of Chronic Pain Ireland, the national charity that supports people living with chronic pain. With personal experience of recovery from chronic migraine, Niamh is passionate about supporting people living with chronic pain. Niamh has over 20 years' experience in the public and private sector in senior roles in marketing, communications, e-learning and training.


    Kevin O'Byrne

    Kevin is a working musician and psychotherapist managing his private practice, ‘Lyric Therapy’ in Dublin city centre. Kevin specialises in providing therapy for creative professionals in the music industry and across strands of film, visual art, dance and acting. Practising under the ethos of ‘Curious Not Critical’, he holds both an empirically-informed grounding with a strong emphasis on meaning and creativity across the lifespan

    Prior to qualification as a talk therapist, Kevin studied on the NHS-accredited MSc. Music Therapy at Queen Margarets University Edinburgh, alongside clinical placement in Dublin’s National Rehabilitation Hospital working as part of a multidisciplinary team.

    Most recently, Kevin has met demand for integration of the rigour of integrative-humanistic approaches with creative arts therapy in providing personal therapy to clinicians and piloting counselling for learners in the Youthreach setting.

    The Irish Association of Humanistic
    & Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

    Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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