
To ensure the success of your application, you must satisfy the standards established by IAHIP, as specified in our Bye-Law 16A (Accreditation Criteria for Graduates of IAHIP 'Recognised Training Courses') or Bye-Law 16C (Accreditation Criteria for Graduates of courses that are not IAHIP 'Recognised Training Courses') as appropriate.

Bye-Law 16A and Bye-Law 16C came into effect on 6 August 2024 and have replaced Bye-Law 11. Bye-Law 11 is being phased out rather than being revoked immediately, which means applicants can still apply for accreditation under Bye-Law 11 (Criteria for Accreditation of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapists) until August 2025 if they prefer.


Step 1

Before you apply, take a moment to go through the criteria set by IAHIP – it's crucial. 

Knowing the criteria upfront is key for you. It helps you figure out if you meet the criteria and boosts your chances of a successful application.

Don't skip this step – it's your roadmap to a strong application.

Bye-Law 16A

Bye-Law 16C

Bye-Law 11

Through which Bye-Law should I apply?

You will need to read the Bye-Laws and establish which one you believe you meet the criteria for and wish to apply under. 

Bye-Law 11 is the Bye-Law that preceded Bye-Law 16A, Bye-Law 16B and Bye-Law 16C and if you wish you can apply for accreditation under Bye-Law 11 and Covid 19 Addendum Criteria, where applicable, until August 2025. Bye-Law 11 applies to individuals from both IAHIP recognised training courses and non IAHIP recognised training courses.

Bye-Law 16A is for individuals who completed an IAHIP recognised training course.

Bye-Law 16C is for individuals who completed a non IAHIP recognised training course.

Click here to view an overview of the changes under Bye-Law 16A and Bye-Law 16C.

Step 2

Read and assimilate the IAHIP Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists. IAHIP members are required to adhere to the Code of Ethics, the purpose of which is to establish and maintain robust standards for psychotherapists who are accredited members of IAHIP and to inform and protect members of the public seeking and using their services.

Step 3

When you are ready to start your application you can do so online via the Applications portal.

Click here to access the
Applications Portal 

You will need to create a login or sign in to start the application. Once you start the application you can complete it at your pace and save the progress as you complete the form.

For anyone that is an IAHIP associate please note that the applications portal is not connected to the main IAHIP website and your Associate area and you will need to create a new password for the applications portal. 


Once your application is submitted online, the team will line everything up for your supervisor or supervisors to review and complete all relevant Supervisor Forms.

Your supervisor will log into the applications portal and complete an 'Action Task' to review and complete the Supervisor Report. The team can assist your supervisor in navigating the portal. 

Once your Supervisor has completed the report and clicked the Submit button at the end, you will have an opportunity to review your supervisor report before it goes to the Accreditation Committee for review.

As IAHIP is a volunteer based organisation, the application process can take up to 6 months, however the current average is 3 months. 

Applications from Non-Recognised Training Courses can take longer to process due to the additional checks required with these applications. 

Need to find a Supervisor?

Search for an IAHIP Accredited Supervisor

Non-IAHIP Supervisors are accepted, but must meet the criteria as outlined in relevant Bye-Law that you are applying under. 

Please note as of 1 July 2024 a new Memorandum of Understanding between IAHIP and IACP pertaining to the mutual authorisation of our accredited supervisors came into effect. A copy of the MOU, inclusive of the mutually agreed conditions can be viewed here.


  • Please also see guidance notes regarding didactic supervision during training.
  • All relevant sections must be completed and, where necessary, supporting evidence supplied.
  • All ratios stated – when totals are requested in the form, they must be completed
  • Please see: to view the next Accreditation Committee meeting date. Final submissions (with Supervisor Reports) must be received 14 days before the committee meeting date. 
  • When we receive your application, you will get confirmation by return. After which, processing of the application may take three to six months to complete. 

To view subscription & application fees, please click here >>

*The Governing Body of IAHIP reserve the right to adjust the standards and criteria at any time.