
  • 29/03/2022 18:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Inside Out deadline approaching

    We are now accepting article submissions and adverts for the Summer 2022 edition of Inside Out. The final day for submission is May 1 2022.

    Please send your article, review, conversation or creative writing as an email attachment to We’ll be happy to discuss your work with you if you need help getting started, and our submissions guidelines are on the front inside cover of each issue.

    Advertisers, please submit your advert as an email attachment in either Word or PDF format to the IAHIP office at  Payment can be arranged directly with the office.

    Full details available here>> 

    The advertising options are Half-Page (14 x 10cm) and Full-Page (14 x 20.5cm), costing €115 and €230 respectively. All ads are in full colour. Please make sure that your advert’s information is not out of date when considering the time of publishing. The Summer edition will be due in to readers’ letterboxes by the end of June 2022.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Editorial Board, Inside Out

  • 29/03/2022 17:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Irish Society of Jungian Analysts

    in conjunction with the

    Irish Analytical Psychology Association

    Presents live on Zoom


    Thursday, 5th May 2022: 8.00pm to 9.15pm - Irish time


    Dr. Richard Blennerhassett


    The 21st Century is an era in which depression appears to be ubiquitous.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) projects that by 2030 depression will become the leading cause of disability worldwide.  This lecture explores the view that this situation has arisen from a faulty definition of depressive disorder whereby states of normal sadness have become categorised as disorder.  It will examine the classification of depression and offer a Jungian perspective on the treatment of “those who have dwelt in depression’s dark wood”.  This will be illustrated by reference to Jung’s clinical practice and to the work of the late Dr Heinrich Fierz, Psychiatrist and Analyst at the Zurichberg clinic.

    Dr Richard Blennerhassett MB FRCPsych FRCPsych is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Private Practice in Dublin.  He graduated from University College Dublin in 1984 and completed Post Graduate studies in General Medicine.  Drawn to the theories of Carl Jung he trained as a psychiatrist in Dublin and the U.K.  He is a former Clinical Director of Saint Ita’s Hospital, Dublin and Saint John of God Hospital, Dublin.  The insights of Analytical Psychology have shaped his clinical practice and he has, over the years, given lectures and workshops in Dublin and at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAP) in Zurich.

    Registration closes 4th May @ 6.00pm - Irish time

    For further Information & Booking


    Thursday, 30th June: 8.00pm to 9.15pm - Irish time

    The Archetypal Death Parent and Toxic Shame: A Traumatising Partnership Daniela F. Sieff, PhD

    The archetypal Death Parent represents harmful and traumatising energy that comes to us from a person, institution, culture, or nation state which we would naturally expect to nurture, protect, and support us. Having the Death Parent turn on us feels like being caught in Medusa’s gaze: we are paralyzed, frozen, and turned to stone. The Death Parent’s energy can be expressed in a variety of ways. This presentation explores the Death Parent expressed as toxic shame. 

    Healthy shame is a social and moral emotion which evolved to warn us that our behaviour is jeopardising important social relationships. In contrast, toxic shame is an embodied and enduring conviction that we are so intrinsically flawed that trustworthy and meaningful social relationships are forever beyond our reach. Throughout human evolutionary history, those without trustworthy and meaningful social relationships would have died.

    Once toxic shame is woven into our bodies and minds, we have no choice but to turn Medusa’s gaze in on ourselves and to project it out on to others. A traumatising and self-perpetuating cycle ensues. This presentation will illuminate that cycle. 

    Daniela F. Sieff, PhD is an author and scholar who explores the dynamics that underlie emotional trauma, healing, and wellbeing. For as long as Daniela can remember she has been curious about the forces which shape us as human beings. In her 20s that curiosity led her to a doctorate in biological anthropology at the University of Oxford, where she explored evolutionary influences on human behavior. In her 30s, Daniela’s focus shifted and for the last 20 years she has been exploring how emotional trauma shapes us and how we can reshape ourselves, heal and find wellbeing. Daniela is author of Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma: Conversations with Pioneering Clinicians and Researchers. She is currently writing a book on The Archetypal Death Parent. For more information, visit

    Registration closes 29th June @ 6.00pm - Irish time

    For further Information & Booking


    These events will be recorded, and the link will be available for 2 weeks

    for the personal viewing of registered participants only.


    Admission: €22.20 / Students: €16.87

    Booking is via Eventbrite only

    General enquiries, please contact Nola at

  • 29/03/2022 17:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    • Booking is now open for the following online events:

    The Eleusinian Mysteries

    Webinar Film Showing with Q&A

    Thursday 5th May 2022 

    Start time: 7:30pm End time: 9:30pm

    Kindle a Light of Meaning in Cosmic Darkness

    Location: Oxford Quaker Meeting House, 43 St Giles',
    Oxford OX1 3LW & Online

    Saturday 21st May 2022 

    Start time: 11:00am End time: 4:00pm

    Conference & Webinar Refreshments included, Tea, Coffee & Biscuits


    • Booking will open soon for the following events:

    Jung the Mystic

    Webinar with Gary Lachman

    Location: Worcester College, Oxford

    The Way of the Heart Residential Summer Conference 2022

    With Robert Mercurio and Giulia Valerio

    Friday 26th August 2022 Sunday 28th August 2022

    For regular updates please do keep an eye on the Guild Events page

    Some background to these events

    Jung was a great advocate of people gathering in a social setting to discuss the challenges of the human condition against the backdrop of Analytical Psychology – the discipline which encapsulates his work. Many of his writings were the product of such in-depth discussions with colleagues and friends from various disciplines.

    The spiritual nature of the human person is a subject that Jung engaged deeply with, in contrast to many of his contemporaries who avoided the matter entirely. It is against that backdrop that the Guild of Pastoral Psychology was founded in 1937 with Jung as its Patron. The Guild continues to attract members from across the globe.

    The Guild of Pastoral Psychology provides a friendly social setting and offers a rich forum for anyone interested in exploring the relationship between spirituality and depth psychology, with particular reference to the writings of Carl Gustav Jung.

    Jung and many of his colleagues spoke at Guild meetings in those early years. Well known key figures in the Jungian world such as: Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler, Barbara Hannah, Vera von der Heydt, Marie-Louise von Franz, James Hillman, Irene Champernowne and Toni Wolff are just some examples. In more recent times the Guild has hosted presentations from eminent Jungian scholars, the likes of; Paul Bishop, Jean Shinoda Bolen, George Bright, Jim Fitzgerald, John Hill, James Hillman, James Kirsch, Susan Roland, David Tacey, Ann Ulanov and Donald Kalsched among others.

    The Guild’s Papers, based on those lectures have achieved international recognition over the years. One of the benefits of membership is online access to the Guild's extensive archive of 350 papers dating back to the 1930's and in excess of 600 recordings dating from the 1970’s which are available free for members to download. Other benefits of membership are; discounts on events, many of which are now available to attend online; the Guild Newsletter and copies of Guild papers as soon as they are published.

    Covid 19 has marked a new development in the long history of the Guild. Talks, webinars, and conferences are now available to attend online meaning that members and non-members can now attend events from the comfort of their own home irrespective of location.

    The current aim is to let people know what we offer. We welcome new members and want to spread the word about forthcoming events.

    Please do pass on this notice to anyone who you think may be interested.

    Thank you

  • 22/03/2022 18:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Sensitive Body

    An invitation to explore the sensitive body through gentle yoga, somatic movements and energetic work. We are embarking on the final part of The Sensitive Body online journey and we hope you can join us for this magical practice. Some of our previous participants share their experience:


    “Wow, the week has been nothing more than spacious and abiding in clarity and somatic awareness!  I received so much from your class/teachings, thank you.” ~ Barbara

    “Gathering the energy back to myself and my heart was the perfect antidote.” ~ Tricia

    “The classes helped me to both heal my body and instill a sense of tranquility. I’ve never felt as whole and energized after yoga sessions before.” ~ Inge

    About YogaSOMATICS:

    YogaSOMATICS is a contemporary perspective of yoga that is immediate, fluid and experiential. It bridges traditional yoga, modern somatics, meditative techniques and inquiry towards conciousness. YogaSOMATICS encourages sensing and deep listening to make inner contact with oneself and the energetic body. The practice offers spaces of containment and exploration through aware movements, breathing, relaxation, mindfulness, meditation and contact bodywork. It is a return to connect to one’s own bio energy, through slow and subtle movement in a first-person relational experience. It may appeal to those who are new to yoga or as a self-care body practice. 

    YogaSOMATICS was founded by Ateeka whose work has been inspired by Continuum Movement founder, the late Emily Conrad, Gestalt psychotherapist Ruella Frank, Danish spiritual teachers, Jes Bertelsen and Madhurima Rigtrup and is currently a student of Helen Gamborg, author of the “Invisible Aspects of Healing”, inspired by Bob Moor’s teachings about the subtle body, energy medicine and healing.

    The classes will be exploratory and invitational to make inner contact and honour your own natural rhythm. There will be a blend of asanas/gestures, somatic movements, breathing exercises and rest shapes and also invite the general new attitude of non-urgency, inner listening, rest as a beginning phase, pleasure-feeling good, unwinding, developmental movements and self-care.

    Block 3: Rewilding (Final block of The Sensitive Body journey)

    Touching into the Psoas entity known as the “muscle of the soul” connecting to instinctual wisdom, using music as a nervous system reset, unwinding, guided meditation, grounding practices and Savasana with energetic awareness. 

    Dates: Tuesday 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th April and 10th May 2022

    Investment: €50 per 5-week block. Reduced fee as Deirdre currently in training of 250H YogaSOMATICS programme.

    Time: 6-7pm online via Zoom. Recording of each class will be available for a 7-day playback.

    Suitability: Suitable for all levels. If you have any injuries/illness or if you are pregnant, please contact Deirdre at to discuss in advance of booking. There is no prerequisite required to have attended previous classes/blocks.

    CPD: Certs will be provided after each block for 5 hours.

    Please visit link below to reserve your place:

    If you have any questions, please contact Deirdre at


    Deirdre Madden is a qualified psychotherapist has been training with Ateeka for the 250H programme of YogaSOMATICS and is continuing to offer classes as part of her training. Deirdre is a qualified yoga teacher in Vinyasa Flow, Yin and Yoga Nidra and has been a practitioner of yoga for over 15 years. 

  • 22/03/2022 18:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Date: 2 April 2022

    Duration: 12 PM - 4 PM

    Location: Unit B, 30 Grand Parade, Cork City, T12YEC9

    Cost: €30

    Introduction to The Work of Byron Katie

    My name is Brian Burleigh. I am a fully accredited member of IAHIP.

    I am a loyal student of Byron Katies since 2010. I have completed many of her intensive training seminars including “The School for the Work”, her “No-body” intensive workshop and her silent retreat workshops. I have been facilitating monthly workshops for the last 2 years.

    Katies tools support and deepen the connection with the core conditions of Carl Rogers. On the surface, Katies tools are a solution focused therapy but on a deeper level, her tools bring a lot of clarity to the process of transferrance and counter transferrance.  Katies tools anchor the therapist into presence with gentle simplicity where genuine empathy and congruence can flow. Katie is an excellent teacher of Psychotherapy.

    Katies experience of the mind, body and soul can greatly elevate the therapist who is open to growth in their own life process, both professionally and personally.

    Please feel free to contact me on my mobile number if you have any queries, please contact me directly on 0858324775.



  • 15/03/2022 17:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you an IAHIP Accredited or Pre-Accred Associate interested in integrating nature into your therapy practice or taking therapy sessions outside? If so, my highly interactive and practical Spring 2022 courses will be of interest to you.

    Course 1: Online Outdoor Psychotherapy CPD Training

    When:         Saturday 26thth March, 2nd and 9th April 2022: 08:30am – 2:30pm

    Cost:           Price: €300 (15 Hours CPD)

    Where:        Delivered Online Via Zoom with Experiential Exercises Outdoors at Home

    Places:        Max Number of Participants is 10

    Visit or Contact for Details

    This course will help you learn of the background, theoretical underpinnings, and practical implications of seeing clients outdoors. You will gain knowledge of clinical vignettes and explore how you might consider integrating nature more into your practice. It will be held fully online but will be very interactive and include group discussion, breakout rooms, and nature-based exercises in participants’ own gardens.

    This Course has now been run 6 times and has had great feedback.  I take participant feedback very seriously and continually look to improve the content and delivery. 

    Course Structure:

    • This unique course is developed to allow participants to engage in a very interesting and blended learning experience.
    • It is designed as a highly interactive small group training which will include periods of outdoor time.
    • Participants will engage with natural environments local to them during the course – this may be a garden, local park, country road etc.
    • Further outdoor experiences will be encouraged between workshops

    Check out my article in the Spring Edition of Inside Out or on the Nature Therapy section of my websitefor some insight into the theory and practice of working outdoors. While the article is more academic than the workshop, it will provide some background into this growing area of practice. 

    Course 2: Experiential Outdoor CPD Workshop for Therapists

    When:        Sun. 8th May 2022 :9.30am-5pm

    Price:          €120 (6Hrs CPD)

    Where:       Delivered In-Person in The Glen, Ennistymon, Co. Clare

    Places:       Max number of participants 10

    Visit or Contact for Details

    Join me in exploring your own process outdoors, engaging with the natural world and with other like-minded professionals.  This workshop will compliment another longer CPD training in outdoor therapy or could give you a taster of how it may be to work outdoors prior to considering a further training. If you are already seeing clients outdoors this will provide a space for you to discuss your practice and gain more experience of being a client in the outdoors.  Also, very importantly this will be a day to give yourself time to ‘just be’ in nature.

    Course Structure:

    • This workshop will be experiential and will be held entirely outdoors in a rich natural space in Ennistymon Co.Clare
    • Participant numbers will be limited to enhance the personal experience and processing time.
    • The day will include a number of nature-based exercises and reflection.
    • Time will be given to peer counselling (dyad work) so that you can experience both being therapist and client outdoors and process that experience in the group.
    • The venue site contains a waterfall, meandering river, woodlands with a path and a wilder woodland area. 
    • The Falls Hotel is situated which is where we will meet in the morning for outdoor coffee/tea and will have access to toilet facilities etc.
    • Participants will be required to wear suitable outdoor clothing and bring sit mat/portable camping chair – more detail will be given on booking.
    • This Course has now been run 4 times and has had great feedback.  I take participant feedback very seriously and continually look to improve the content and delivery. 

  • 08/03/2022 16:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Training Workshop with Bronagh Starrs

    About The Workshop: The adolescent brings his world to the therapy situation and we, as therapists need to collaboratively, with our adolescent clients, create a framework of meaning which supports the process and purpose of therapy. The guiding principle of this collaborative construction is the client’s meaning-making, which promotes discovery of capability, agency, personal power and connectedness with the interpersonal world. Sandspace is a unique approach to working with adolescents, developed by Bronagh Starrs. The sand world can bring healing and insight, offering a dynamic mode of relating which enriches contact process between aspects of self-experience which are often compartmentalised in the adolescent’s developing awareness. The adolescent’s lifespace and contact boundary development become visible, tangible and three-dimensional in the sand. This dynamic way of working also creates additional richness and depth to therapeutic contact.

    During the two days, we will explore theoretical, clinical and practical aspects of sand therapy process with adolescents including:

    • An introduction to Sandspace

    • Initiating Sandspace with adolescent clients
    • Gaining practical experience of facilitating Sandspace
    • Exploring the healing & transformative potential of Sandspace
    • Trauma & Sandspace: creative expression of the unspeakable
    • Understanding the richness of symbolic representation for the adolescent


    Dates: Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st March 2022 Time: 10am - 4pm
    Venue: Clonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary

    Fee: €320


    If you would like to book a place on the training programme, please register your interest via email to Bronagh and forward payment via PayPal to confirm your place.

    You will require the email address to complete the transaction.

    CPD certificates (12 points) will be awarded to participants after the training.

    About The Presenter: Bronagh Starrs is Programme Director for the MSc Adolescent Psychotherapy in Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre, in partnership with the University of Northampton, UK and Founder & Director of Blackfort Adolescent Gestalt Institute. She maintains a private practice in Omagh, Northern Ireland, as a psychotherapist, clinical
    supervisor, writer, presenter and trainer, specialising in working with adolescents.

    As well as her work as a parenting consultant with many families, schools and agencies, she is also an experienced therapist working with children, adults and groups. Bronagh is a renowned adolescent development specialist and has considerable experience teaching
and presenting throughout Ireland and internationally on the developmental implication of trauma on the adolescent journey. Her approach to therapeutic intervention with adolescents is both innovative and deeply relational. Her book Adolescent Psychotherapy - A Radical Relational Approach (Routledge, London) has received international acclaim.

  • 22/02/2022 17:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Comfortable and private room to rent in the Castleknock area of Dublin 15.

    Own private entrance and single use room.  The room has its own toilet and shower and heat and light are included.  There is on street parking and bus/train transport is convient.

    Room availability and cost:

    • Monday to Friday
    • 8am to 4pm    €60 per day
    • 4pm to 10pm  €60 per day
    • Full day €100

    Contact: Gerry on 086 3902229 or email for more information.

  • 22/02/2022 10:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Why Sensorimotor Psychotherapy?

    7th May 2022
    Download Flyer Here>>

    Do you struggle to help numb, disconnected clients who can’t feel emotion or explore inner experience? Do your clients get ‘stuck’ in overwhelming emotions and self-destructive impulses rather than resolving the trauma? Do you believe that the body ‘holds the legacy of trauma,’ but lack the skills to address the somatic effects of painful past experience?

    Sensorimotor Psychotherapy was developed by Pat Ogden, PhD, informed by the works of Ron Kurtz and the Rolf method, and enriched by the contributions from the research on attachment, trauma, neuroscience and dissociation. This introductory presentation is a glimpse of the theory and techniques gained in the Training for the Treatment of Trauma - including the Window of Tolerance, Tracking the Body, and Vocabulary for Sensorimotor Experiencing, Bottom-Up Processing, and Mindfulness

    Introductiory presentation to sensorimotor Psychotherapy

    Presented by: Anne Kirwan SP Organizer, Ireland

    Ashe House - Center for MindBody Integration

    Register and pay online at including your name and

    Ref: INTRO MAY on payment details.

    Contact Anne directly at if preferred payment is 
    by bank transfer. Learn more about SP at

    Workshop Information:

    Date: 7th May 2022

    Hours: 10.00-5.00 PM

    Venue: Ashe House

    Adequate breaks throughout the day to facilitate Covid-19 guidelines

    CPD Certs: 5.5 Contact hours provided by email


    Cost of full day €95

    Receipts provided by email

    2 course hot lunch included 

  • 15/02/2022 15:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Starting Tuesday 22nd February, 7pm - 9:30pm

    Half day of practice on Sunday 3rd April, 10am - 2pm

    Facilitated over zoom by Brigid Nee, an Art Psychotherapist and Mindfulness teacher.

    Brigid is accredited with IACP, IACAT and MTAI and has been training in Mindfulness for over 4 years.

    Course information:

        Course is suitable for those with prior meditation experience and those with none.

        Different forms of mindfulness practice are experienced during the course including sitting meditation, gentle mindful movement and the body scan.

        As the course is delivered over zoom relatively stable wifi and a private room are needed.

        A commitment to a daily home practice of around 45 minutes per day is asked during the course.

        Participants will receive an email handout each week summarising the content and practise instructions, along with recordings of guided meditations.


    -     Use mindfulness to relate in healthier ways to feelings of anxiety and to better manage stressful situations in both work and home life.

    -     Cultivate a sense of curiosity, exploration, kindness and self compassion to whatever we experience.

    -     Recognise when self-judgement and striving are present.

    -     Build a daily mindfulness meditation practice.

    -     Get in touch with a different way of knowing ourselves and the world.



    Concession rates available for anyone experiencing financial challenges.

    For more information please contact Brigid at

