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[CPD Opportunity] Supervision Essentials: Advanced Supervisory Practice

11/03/2025 16:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Supervision Essentials: Advanced Supervisory Practice


Saturday, 5April 2025 from 9.30am to 4.30pm in Dunboyne Castle Hotel. Cost: €90 includes notes, resources and 6 hours CPD.

In this 6-hour skills training, qualified supervisors will engage in discussion, reflection, and learning to enhance clinical supervision through a skills-based model focused on clinical excellence and supervisory competencies. According to Carroll (2010), the effectiveness of supervision is best measured by the degree to which the supervisee's behaviour changes: "The acid test of how effective supervision is simple. What is the supervisee doing differently now that they were not doing before supervision?"

Supervision Essentials parallels the common factors in psychotherapy with a strong focus on interpersonal, experiential, and relational skills, including the working alliance, empathy, and collaboration. The workshop design is immersive and will include “live supervision,” reflective practice, collaborative inquiry, and practical steps for self-management. Multiple themes will be explored, including the supervisory relationship, supervisee needs, personal values, learning preferences, matching supervision to the therapists core training, biases, boundaries, and ethical and legal issues.

Throughout the Supervision Essentials workshop, you will learn about supervisory processes and determine the model or interventions that best suits you to facilitate competent clinical supervision. Experiential role plays, deliberate practice via rehearsal, bilateral feedback brings this supervision format “to life” as a crucible to enhance personal and professional growth.

The course aims:

Explore the dynamics of supervision and the role of the supervisor.

Learn effective strategies to maximise supervision’s impact on client progress by integrating feedback from clients, supervisees, and supervisors.

Reflect on the reciprocal dynamics within these relationships including parallel processes and learning cycles.

Learn different supervision models to help integrate interventions for better results.

Develop creative and experiential approaches to expand your repertoire as a supervisor and enhance supervisee engagement.

Explorelegal, ethical, institutional and administrative responsibilities including mandatory reporting and the Child Abuse Substantiation Procedure (CASP), and complex presentations.

Develop a therapeutic audit, taxonomy and a framework that encourages reflection in practice to improve clinical standards, reduce clinician burnout, enhance client care and quality control.

The criterion for evaluating supervision’s efficacy is its ability to effect positive client changes” (Wrape et al., 2014, p. 36).


Gerry Cunningham has a private practice at The Mindfulness Clinic. His approach to supervision is cutting-edge and creative with a central focus on the therapeutic relationship, client outcome, and collaborative communities.

Booking: | T: 087-7989 301 | E:

Cost:90 includes 6 hours CPD, certificate, notes and refreshments.