Exploring the nature of relational psychotherapy withDr. Linda Finlay: Seminar & reception/book launch, DCU School of Nursing Psychotherapy & Community Health, Friday 28th February, 5-7pm
We warmly invite you to join us in DCUfor a seminar with Dr. Linda Finlay exploring the nature of relational psychotherapy (5-6.30pm), followed by a book signing & reception (wine/soft drinks/sweet nibbles). Linda’s new book Relational Counselling and Psychotherapy has been recently published by Sage and some discounted copies (30% discount) will be available for purchase at this event, as well as a discount code for purchasing the book online.
Please see our event webpage here for further information and to book your place - early booking is advised as places are limited: https://dcu-snpch.zohobackstage.eu/LindaFinlay#/?lang=en