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[CPD Opportunity] upcoming Mindfulness 8 week training course commencing on January 15th.

17/12/2024 21:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

I would like to bring to your attention an upcoming Mindfulness 8 week training course commencing on January 15th.This is an online course. It is facilitated by Dr.Sheena Burke, Chartered Clinical Psychologist and supported Dr Teresa Crawford Psychologist in Education, Social work and Health. 

This course is considered the gold standard of mindfulness interventions based on a number of studies. It was developed by Dr Jon Kabbit-Zinn and is informed by neuroscience, psychology and educational methods that emphasise experiential, group and discovery learning. Taking part in this programme gives people the opportunity to develop a personalised mindfulness practice, with the support of a small-group setting over 8 weeks (+1 day). The curriculum has been widely researched and yielded significant health benefits for people, physically and psychologically.

The following link details programme content, dates fees etc.