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Exploring and Owning Your Power and Authority

26/07/2022 15:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 23rd, 24th, and 25th September, 2022.

Dr. Evelyn P. Gilmore and Mr. Mike O’Halloran

The workshop provides an opportunity for coaches, consultants, psychologists, psychotherapist, educators, managers, leaders, health care and allied professionals, to enhance their awareness of their own power and authority. In addition, as participants gain greater awareness of these aspects of themselves, they will gain greater insight as to how to help their clients explore and own their own power and authority. Many individuals do not fully own their own powerfulness and project it onto others: friends, partners, siblings, colleagues; or onto organisations, and experience themselves as relatively powerless in interpersonal or organisational life. In addition, individuals who may be formally qualified as professionals, or who may be formally appointed to roles with authority, experience difficulty exercising their authority, due to internal feelings of powerlessness.

The ‘internal world’ of the person is fundamental to how he or she experiences and uses power and authority. This, in turn, is largely a function of the person’s relationships with past authority figures such as parents and teachers. Self-doubt, can lead to the person never being able to fully experience his or her powerfulness, whilst it’s opposite, an inflated self-image, can lead to authoritarianism. When individuals explore their relationship with power and authority, they can experience much greater aliveness and energy, an expanded sense of personality, and greater choice in life.

During this three-day experiential workshop, participants will be provided with an opportunity to explore the following:

  • Exploring and Owning Your Power and Authority
  • Past experiences and Internalised Images that You Hold
  • Enhancing Your Own Sense of Internal Power
  • Sexuality, Gender, and Power
  • Enhancing Awareness of Beliefs and Feelings about Power
  • Doubting yourself and it’s impact on Powerfulness
  • Gaining greater awareness of how you Project Power onto Others
  • Working with the Body
  • Exploring the Power of Powerlessness
  • Exploring the Fear of our Power
  • Gaining greater aliveness, excitement and being afforded greater choice in life

Style of the Workshop:

The learning over the three days is highly experiential with a focus on participant’s process and experience. We will draw on Psychodynamic thinking. We will use Gestalt work, attention to Dreams, and small and large Group Process. The work will include Movement, Drawing, and Guided Visualisation to bring into the present aspects of the participant’s relationship to Power that are normally outside awareness.

Main Facilitator: Dr. Evelyn P. Gilmore, B.A., M.Sc., Prof. D., C. Psychol. Ps.S.I., M.I.A.H.I.P., F.I.I.T.D., M.A.C.

Evelyn is a consultant work & organisational psychologist, an accredited psychotherapist, a business and executive coach, a coach trainer and a supervisor of coaches and organisational consultants. She has an honours degree in psychology from national university of Ireland, Galway, and a first class honours masters in work and organisational psychology from Dublin City University. She has received a Tavistock Qualification in Consulting from the Tavistock in London, and has completed a Professional Doctorate in Organisational Consultancy with the Tavistock. Evelyn has worked at a senior level with world class organisations, and her current clients include individuals, groups and organisations from both the public, private and voluntary sector. She has facilitated trainings for professionals on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Consultancy. In addition, Evelyn has previously facilitated workshops for professionals with Mike on “Owning & Exploring your Own Power & Authority” and “Exploring and Owning the Shadow”.

Mike O’Halloran, M.A., B.A., E.C.P., M.I.A.H.A.P., M.A.C.

Mike is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and Trainer. He has a Masters Degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy from Durham University in the U.K., and he did trainings in Metanoia in Gestalt Psychotherapy. He has been involved in the training of psychotherapists, coaches, leaders and managers for nearly three decades. Some of his trainings and workshops include “Gestalt Psychotherapy Intensive” and “Existentialist Psychotherapy Intensive.” Mike has previously facilitated workshops with Evelyn on “Exploring and owning Your Own Power & Authority”, and “Exploring and Owning the Shadow”.

Workshop Details/Reservation Details:

Most of the workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Evelyn P. Gilmore with the balance being facilitated by Mike O’Halloran. The workshop will be held in The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Dublin, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and will finish at 3.30 p.m. on the Sunday. The cost of the workshop is €580. If you would like to reserve a place, please e-mail mjohalloran54@gmail.com stating your name, job title, and telephone number. Mike will forward you bank account details, and a deposit of €250 will be necessary to reserve your place on the workshop.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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