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Tending Our Futures: Presence, Integration, Emergence with Emma Philbin Bowman and Simon Courtney

13/01/2022 15:13 | Anonymous

January 22-April 10th Saturdays* 9-11am live on zoom, 

"The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens..." Rilke

Tending Our Futures blends thematic modules on Teachable with nine live sessions on Saturday mornings. This course offers a guided journey to support participants reflection, exploration and recalibration. It will appeal to those seeking a deep, textured context in which to tend their own lives in fresh ways.

Attending to Presence, Integration and Emergence, we emphasize the value of balancing our care of past, present and future. This enables a beautiful relation to time, wherein we include the wide span of our lives and support our unique ripening.

Each week is focused on a specific theme, which is explored in a Teachable module and in the live sessions. Core themes include: how we digest our past, moving from fate to destiny, aligning with fluidity and emergence, and relating to aging and death. Our emphasis will be on bringing this territory alive in ways that reach and nourish us, both as individuals and as humans gathering together. The course draws on spiritual and psychological perspectives, including the work of Christopher Bollas, James Hillman and Thomas Hubl.

We commence the live sessions on Saturday January 22, from 9-11am.

Discount for IAHIP members Click here>>, or with the code IAHIP.


Emma Philbin Bowman and Simon Courtney have run several live groups together on Zoom. They are passionate about the value and potency of working with small groups, and both bring extensive experience, practice and trainings to this work. Emma also facilitates groups at UCD and

*two meetings take place on Sundays