Mental Health Reform would like to invite you to the launch of Mental Health Reform’s Cultural Competency Toolkit; a practical guide for mental health professionals, services and staff, on working with ethnic minorities in Ireland.
The event takes place on 27th October
from 10am - 11.30am
via Zoom.
The ethnic minority community in Ireland comes from a range of cultures and backgrounds, incorporating a rich tapestry of experience, skills, perspectives, and creativity. Research demonstrates a higher incidence of mental health challenges amongst people from this community. In response to this need, through a project supported by the HSE and the Sláintecare Integration Fund, the Cultural Competency Toolkit was developed. The Toolkit is structured around the importance of providing culturally sensitive mental health services.
This event aims to raise awareness of the challenges that ethnic minority groups face in accessing appropriate mental health supports. Speakers will share practical information, resources and guidance, to help community mental health teams to implement the Toolkit in their workplace practice.
Speakers include:
- Dr. Naomi Masheti - Programme Coordinator, Nano Nagle Place and Project Steering Group Member
- Dr. Charles Willie - Former CEO, Diverse Cymru and author of the Cultural Competency Toolkit
- Dr. Pauline Moloney - Senior Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Cabra Community Mental Health Team
- Audry Deane - Policy and Advocacy Manager, Mental Health Reform
- Members of ethnic minority communities with lived experience of mental health difficulties.
To register, click here>>
We look forward to your participation.
In solidarity and compassion,
Fiona Coyle