APPI presents
Suicide Intervention Workshop
Saturday 2nd October 2021
11.00 am – 1.00pm
Presented by Dermot Gough, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Delivered via zoom
This introductory workshop will explore the issue of suicide intervention and the position of the psychotherapist. It includes both informational and experiential elements. Practical issues will be addressed: how to ask if a client is suicidal; how to manage a disclosure of suicidal ideation, risk or attempt(s) in the clinic and how to support someone who is suicidal. Issues regarding clinical confidentiality will also be discussed.
Content outline:
Statistics on Suicide in an Irish Context; Information on suicide
Current Training available
• SafeTALK
Explanation on what they are, their relevance, requirements, and process for accessing this training.
Experiential Learning
Attitudes exercise to suicide
Asking the suicide question;
• Experiential exercise in asking the suicide question
• What’s it like to ask
• How does this affect us
• What can we do with this
• How not to ask the question
Short break
How to deal with a disclosure of suicide
What do we do as therapist
What can we offer
How can we support someone who is suicidal
Resources or Agencies Available for people who are suicidal.
Q & A
Closing comments
Who is this workshop for?
This is an introductory workshop which is for therapists working in any modality who wish to be more confident in dealing with the issue of suicide when it arises in the clinic.
Seminar Presenter – Dermot Gough
Dermot has been working in the area of addiction since 1994, his experience being quite unique in that he has worked in the Voluntary, Community and Statutory sectors. He qualified as a psychoanalyst in 2008, also joined APPI that same year. He has worked with trauma on a very regular basis at it presents itself in the clinic.
It was during his time working for the Statutory sector, that Dermot trained as an ASIST trainer and also later as a SafeTALK trainer. Both of these training programmes are part of the National Office of Suicide Protection strategy for reducing suicide in Ireland.
Dermot is also a member of the Executive Committee of the APPI.
Seminar Host – Elin Payne
Elin Payne is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in Galway. A member of APPI since 2011, she is a member of the APPI Executive Committee.
This is a clinical workshop in which clinical material may be discussed. Attendees asking questions and offering comments during the seminar must respect the confidentiality of clients by avoiding all identifying details. We expect all attendees to privilege any clinical material shared during the workshop, and to forebear from sharing it outside the workshop.
Two CPD points are awarded for this workshop.
The workshop will not be recorded.
No recording is permitted.