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Policy: Classified Adverts & Inside Out Adverts

Criteria and policy for content – As of 13th November 2022

All adverts must meet at least one of the following standards:

  • Of interest to Members & Associates and adds value to their professional work.
  • Educational – courses that meet the criteria of EAP when advertising Psychotherapy Courses. IAHIP defines Psychotherapy by the criteria set out by EAP.
  • Provides CPD – All other education courses – Must be labelled as CPD.
  • Supports the community
  • The topic is of interest to members or associates and is specific to psychotherapy

Adverts may not contain:

  • Promotion of an ideology or organised religion
  • Content from Political Parties
  • Political Statements or promoting political ideology
  • Information that contravenes or may possibly contravene the law.
  • Information that discriminates against or potentially alienates groups or individuals.
  • Anything that may damage the good name and reputation of IAHIP.

Job Adverts Must:

  • Identify the employer
  • Advise each applicant that they are not being considered further for a post within a reasonable time.
  • Correspond to a real position.
  • Provide equal remuneration standards for both pre-accredited and accredited psychotherapists.

Procedure Guide:

Classified Ads will be reviewed and accepted on a case-by-case basis and IAHIP reserves the right to amend these rules and all other applicable terms and conditions. Advertisers are bound by the most up to date rules and terms and conditions, and it is their responsibility to inform themselves of any changes that may occur.

All educational or course promotion adverts will display the following disclaimer on all non-recognised courses:

IAHIP have not reviewed this course in line with Accreditation Criteria. Please see the list of IAHIP Recognised Training Courses which have been reviewed and deemed preparing students to meet IAHIP's Accreditation Criteria.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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