It feels odd to be writing for Inside Out, rather than receiving and helping to shape other people’s work as part of the Editorial Board. This is the first issue in more than eight years that I’ll be opening with a sense of… not anticipation, because there was always anticipation, but surprise, not having any idea of the contents. I look forward to it.
I first came to Inside Out in Spring 2014, having acquired both an accreditation certificate and a second baby in the preceding months. With a new baby and an active three-year-old, I had decided to take an extended break from client work but was nervous at the thought of losing touch with the field and the community I had begun to develop. When my supervisor at the time kindly contacted me to suggest joining the Editorial Board (EB), it seemed like an excellent way to keep my hand in for a year or two. I certainly didn’t imagine I would remain for eight years, and eventually even serve as the Chair of the Board.
I remember turning up for my first meeting, bearing biscuits, hoping that chocolate would help ensure a warm welcome from a group that seemed terribly senior and experienced. I needn’t have worried: I was greeted with open arms into the tight circle of the EB, and within the first ten minutes was fully immersed in communal crisis management – we’re past deadline and we don’t have nearly enough material! Somehow, I went home having committed to writing a lengthy article by the following weekend; over the coming years, I would become adept at persuading others to do the same. It was great fun, being part of this group – the Bridies, as they jokingly referred to themselves (due to the Christmas night out inevitably being deferred at least until St Brigid’s Day in February). There was always a lot of work to do, and the work was taken seriously, but there were also great laughs and a wonderful sense of community.
Through my work with Inside Out, I met so many interesting people – both fellow editors and all those wonderful authors whose work enabled each issue to go ahead. Our authors ranged from experienced or even professional writers to beginners, but all shared a passion for their chosen profession that was engaging and infectious. During the time when I was on sabbatical from client work, and afterwards, I learned so much from all these people about different ways of working, and different ways of being as a therapist. And often, when I would meet them later at trainings or networking events, it felt as if I already knew them. Over time, I developed a real sense of being part of the IAHIP and psychotherapy community. Similarly, each of the EB members that came or went during those years contributed their expertise, creativity, good humour, hospitality, hard work and camaraderie. And we all learned an awful lot about APA referencing and the Oxford comma.
One of the proudest achievements that stands out from my time with Inside Out is the redesign of the journal in 2017. We talked about this for a long time before we were finally able to make it happen with the help of the wonderful design team at Opus Print. I still remember the excitement of moving from a black and white format where even to include one picture was quite a big deal, to a slick full colour format where we could have as many images as we wanted (ah go on, I think we can fit in another picture! Maybe even another one!).
It was difficult to make the decision to leave Inside Out, and I do miss it. Still, as my life became busier with other commitments, I knew it was time to bow out, and it was clear to me that the journal (it’s not a magazine, Margaret, it’s a journal!) would continue in excellent hands. I remain grateful for all the learning and good experiences, and look forward to being pleasantly surprised by future issues as they arrive. Thanks for the memories, Bridies past and present!
Margaret Brady MIAHIP is a psychotherapist, spiritual companion and workshop facilitator based in Dublin 6. She served on the Editorial Board of Inside Out from 2014 to 2022. For more information on Margaret’s work see www.margaretbrady.ie
IAHIP 2022 - INSIDE OUT 98 - Autumn 2022