Eating disorders can be hard to address as they can develop over time and are often secretive in nature. Broadly, they tend to present as eating too much, eating too little and / or becoming obsessed with weight and body shape. Specific types of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder or other specified feeding or eating disorders.
You should seek help if you feel that your relationship with food has become unhealthy and you are experiencing any of the following signs:
• eating very little food
• making yourself sick or taking laxatives after you eat
• exercising too much
• having very strict habits or routines around food
• spending a lot of time worrying about your weight and body shape
• avoiding socialising that involves food
• changes in your mood
Not getting your period (for women and girls), feeling cold, tired or dizzy or
are having problems with your digestion can be physical symptoms relating to an eating disorder.
It is important to know that you can recover from an eating disorder - an accredited experienced Psychotherapist can work with you to achieve this aim and work towards a healthier future.
A Range Of Experts Available To You
IAHIP Psychotherapists are trained to help people with Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia. You can search the IAHIP Psychotherapist Directory for this particular issue or any of the issues that may have developed from these changes.
On the Directory page, simply type the issue into the ‘Areas of Interest’ Box:

Additional Resources
For more information on Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia, you can access articles from our professional journal - Inside Out. Go to the top left of this website page and enter 'Eating Disorders’ into the search box.