by Shirley Ward
Published by Twin Flame Productions, Oregon, USA 2020 ISBN: 9781880765838
reviewed by Ursula Somerville
Personal, cultural and historical aspects from the world around us are what informs us in our life, and all these aspects are contained within the 241 pages of this book. What Shirley writes and how she writes invites the reader to learn more. But she doesn’t leave it there, as she builds on research done by other great authors and pioneers and masterfully engages the reader so you want to know more.
As psychotherapists, we need to know the cultural aspects of happenings in the world. While at times these happenings can seem too much to take in, Shirley offers a deeper understanding of them in such a way as to be manageable, without being overwhelming. She weaves her knowledge of pre- and perinatal psychology and elaborates her concept of the importance of Conscious Conception.
In chapter six you find her talking about “global babies”, starting with a quote from the eminent environmentalist Professor David Orr: “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of every kind” (Ward, 2020: 96). Paving the way for her concept of Conscious Conception, Shirley reminds us:
“To be loved, to be wanted, to be conceived in tenderness, passion, warmth and respect governs the character of the baby being given the precious gift of life. The state of mind of the mother and father at preconception and conception is where it all begins. The concept of care and a culture of kindness spans a whole lifetime and this is from Conscious Conception”.
Equally, Shirley continues to speak of consciousness in other aspects of life to include chapters on A Conscious State of Mind and Conscious Leadership. Unfortunately, space in this review does not allow me to elaborate and, indeed, I don’t want to be a spoiler of a good and vital read.
As I read this, her second of three books, I was repeatedly aware of links between collective events that impact both my client and, of course, myself. There is an anthropological aspect to this volume where Shirley draws on the history of humankind though her knowledge of pre and perinatal life and her desire to bring to the world the need to consider more a conscious way of being. The depth of the research Shirley has presented to create and give birth to this volume ensures that it deserves to be a gift to yourself and a must read.
Shirley’s book Birth Earth Our Future is, in short, about interconnectedness and about how awareness and consciousness of pregnancy could heal a huge number of problems in humankind. By way of supporting her philosophy of interconnectedness you will find information on: Telescope for Cosmic Perception, Space Archaeology, The International Space Station – to name but a few, thereby, demonstrating an anthropological aspect to Shirley’s vast and varied knowledge penned as a psychotherapist but encompassing all life matters.
Throughout the book Shirley is humble in her praise of others that have influenced her in her life and work life. One such person is the late Alison Hunter, psychotherapist, who was an early pioneer in the work of pre and perinatal psychotherapy and whose total acceptance of her dis-abling condition of polio inspired many people who met her.
One final note, it’s not lost on me that this book is assigned to Non-Fiction/Science/ Psychology divisions of our knowledge collection in bookshops building on Shirley’s interconnectedness.
I await, with great anticipation, her third and final book in this series, entitled Global Healing.
Ursula Somerville is a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor accredited with IAHIP.