INSIDE OUT continues to develop both through its growing list of subscribers and through direct sales to the public via bookshops and therapy and training centres.
In this, our third issue, we are responding to a need expressed to us by various subscribers. This involves reviewing the growth of training courses over the past few years. This is of interest both to would-be-trainees and to practicing therapists as they look at how the profession is developing in Ireland. We have therefore decided to bring together a listing of psychotherapy and counselling courses and we hope that this listing and the spotlighting of the various trainings will help fill the gap which exists at present.
The growth of courses also highlights the need for standardisation of training, a problem which is tackled by Jim O’Donoghue in his article in this issue. We expect that it may be some time before the profession of psychotherapy follows that of counselling in drawing up overall criteria for training irrespective of theoretical orientation. The work of the Irish Association for Counselling committee on training standards is now well advanced and we feel that similar questions should be addressed by psychotherapists. Such discussion will cross the divides of philosophy, theory and practice.
Susan Lindsay outlines her view of the theoretical context of humanistic psychotherapy and Ger Murphy looks at the need for supervision. We hope that both these articles will stimulate discussion of theory and practice across the divides in the profession.
Extra momentum for this process of discussion will be generated by the first Europe-wide Conference on Psychotherapy to be held in Amsterdam on December 15 1990. The holding of this conference reflects the growing need for co- operation on standards within the profession in Ireland as Europe-wide standardisation comes nearer. We hope to report on this conference in our next issue.