This poem “Sicisintiséis” (Psychosynthesis) is not an attack! It is however a small warning to anyone embarking on any kind of analytical therapy. Neither is this a poem written with any great emotion. (I wrote it some years after leaving therapy). It is cynical and even humorous coming from hindsight. It is not even a very ‘good’ poem because for poetry to be good I believe the whole self must be involved. I am not involved here, merely a bystander.
There is remembered rage when traffic lights meant nothing and I had begun to regress dangerously. I beat a hasty retreat at this point while it was still possible. Now, years later and through other connected experiences, I think I have learned to ‘patch it up’, cope with the same demanding lifestyle, yet keep it simple.
Taoi ag glacadh bliain shabóideach!Is mórchomhacht agat, (rud a bhí)
Nach mó beargsholas tráchta nach bhfacas
‘S mé ar mire ad’ adhradh
A bhaidhb,
A bhí chomh chomh oire, chomh ‘h-ann’
Níos ‘Ainne’ ná mar bhí aon mháthair riamh
Dar liomsa!
…Thugais craiáin is páipéar don bhunóc,
Lena smaointe ‘Ieiriú!
…alia suiminte is tusa laistiar de -
Tú chomh saor le gála gaoithe
Is an stiúir chéanna fút!
Mise, im chrogall
Ag iarraidh teacht thar an bhfalla chugat,
Sa dóigh go nglacfá liom idir chorp is chraiceann
(“Crogailhín deas!”)
Dá snapfainn m’fhiacla féin
Ni fhéadfainn breith ort a ghála gaoithe,
Atá ag glacadh bliain shabóideach
Amuigh i meiriceá!
…An mó beithioch eile a chruthaigh tú
Led bhraíocht dhiablai?
Capaillna bpláigh leoin,
Beacha, deargabaoil….
Beidh siad siúd uile ag feitheamh ort
Nuair ‘fhillfidh tú id spéirling
Cés moite den chrogall,
A bheidh faoi loch……..!
You are taking a sabbatacle yearWith great power, (something you actually had).
It was many the red traffic light I did not see
And I immersed (or ablaze) in admiration of you
0 Blaidhb
You, who was so perfect, so ‘there’ (together?)
More ‘there’ than any mother ever was
I reckon,
….You gave crayon and paper to the ‘child’
to illustrate her/his thoughts
…..a cement wall and you behind it…
You, as free as a gust of wind
And a similar freedom in direction!
… Me, a crocodile
Trying to cross the wall to get to you
so that you might accept me, body and skin
(“Nice little crocodile!”)
If I were to try with my teeth
I could not grasp you (trying to catch the wind)
You, who are taking a sabbatacle year
In America!
How many other creatures did you create
With your devellish magic?
Horses of the Apocalypse, Lions
Bees, devils coachmen…..
They will all be waiting for you
When you return in a whirlwind (hurricane)
But the crocodile
Will be under water…….!