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Last issue we promised we would publish some
 work in the area of women and psychotherapy, beginning our new policy of giving extensive coverage 
to one particular theme. We have chosen the subject of Women and Psychotherapy as we feel this is 
an area that is receiving increasing interest inter
nationally and we believe it is an issue which needs
 to be explored within the Irish context. We hope
 the material presented here will stimulate your interest and we once again look forward to our
 readers’ responses.

You will also find in this issue an index of all the
 articles and their subjects published in Inside Out 
since its inception. As time goes by this index will 
be updated and we hope it will become a valuable
 resource book for research and training. We con
tinue to publish original material which blends
 theory and practice and which introduces new 
ideas. We thank our contributors and once again 
extend our invitation to all: write about what excites
 you in your work. Let us help to share your enthu
siasm with our readers.

Inside Out now has its own ISSN (International
 Standard Serial Number) 0791-7325, which plugs 
us into the international reference network. To sim
plify matters we are dropping the volume number 
and from now on Inside Out will be simply num
bered consecutively beginning with this Issue No.9.

This issue has a centre page spread giving up-to-
date information on training courses available in 
Dublin. We will publish an up-date on courses out
side Dublin in the next issue.

Finally, our next issue will feature the area of bereavement and we especially welcome any 
comments or articles relating to this topic.

June 1992.