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In this issue we are taking as our theme Group Therapy. Since the primary group 
is the family, members of all other groups bring their own uniqueness and experi
ence to the group process. We have endeavoured to offer as broad a spectrum as 
possible, but this cluster of articles attempts to be representative, rather than com
plete. We are not intending to cover all of group dynamics, nor do we represent all 
types of groups that are involved in human interaction, such as institutions, or psy
chiatric wards where attendance is semi-compulsory. In this issue we include only 
humanistically oriented groups where the privacy and confidentiality aspects of 
each group are respected.

We see a definite distinction between therapy in a group, and group therapy.
 Catherine Murray’s article on psychodrama highlights this distinction where she
 describes the group as being the route to the psychotherapeutic process. Group
 dynamics are a microcosm of the unstated and unexplained realities that we have.
 The social contract of behaviour means that we inhibit expression, so that it is our 
unconscious process which relates to group dynamics. The value of group work is
 not to make a huge statement but to examine the ways in which each person’s 
interaction can be more authentic and can reflect the way we live our lives. In any 
psychotherapy group there is a modelling of reality which specifically takes as its 
focus a process by which individuals relate in a social group.

Different groups focus in different ways and work with different aspects of self. In
 group analytical psychotherapy there is a strong emphasis on individual co-operation but as can be seen from John Mulligan’s article, it is world work which is, in a 
sense, personal.

Not all groups are verbal. Ingrid Mann writes about the role of the group in
 Transformational Dance, where the group provides a framework for experimenting, for practising new behaviour and for acting out certain roles.

Our Autumn Issue will be concerned with Therapy and Food. We welcome any
 contributions on this subject and would also like to hear from you if you have
 attended an interesting or unusual workshop, or read a book which you would like 
to review for us. All such contributions will be considered for publication by the
 Editorial Committee.