The editorial group of Inside Out have decided the Millennium will be the right time for us to step down and cease publication of the journal. Since we started Inside Out nearly ten years ago, there has been a huge expansion in the practice of psychotherapy in Ireland and the task the editors originally set themselves of networking for the profession and at the same time of providing an interface between the practitioners and the public has also changed greatly. Since we began, many professional organisations have come into being, some of which publish their own journals, and the public awareness of counselling and psychotherapy has certainly grown. The editorial group has worked voluntarily and with great willingness and fulfilment, but very hard, for nearly ten years. After much discussion, we feel that our work has just about run its course and so we have taken the decision to end the group and cease publishing Inside Out at the end of 1999.
We are therefore advising subscribers that we will only accept subscriptions for one more year, and that our final edition will come out in Winter 1999. The themes for the four issues of 1999 will be: Psychotherapy and Sexuality (Spring), Anger and Psychotherapy (Summer), Gain and Loss in Psychotherapy (Autumn) and Psychotherapy and the New Century (Winter). As always, we welcome articles on any of these topics for consideration by the editorial group.
In the current issue, Therapy and Imagination, we reflect on the huge burgeoning of interest in ways of working therapeutically which are different from the ‘talking cure’. Our contributors explore working with dreams, art, colour, dance, sand, psychodrama, and so on. The increasing interest in extraordinary states and Shamanism is reflected in the interview with Martin Duffy. As usual, in our Winter edition, we include the list of training courses which have the humanistic and integrative orientation.
The editors wish all our readers and advertisers a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year, and we thank you again for your continued support.