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The editorial Board is delighted with the response from readers and contributors to the newly launched first issue of the journal.  In keeping with our aspirations of openness and dialogue amongst colleagues, both at home and internationally, we present a broad spectrum of articles that we hope you will find interesting and challenging.

In his refreshing opening article, Canadian grandfather of Psychotherapy Alvin Mahrer asks for comments from Ireland on how the transformation that occurs in the psychotherapy session can be sustained.  We encourage you to communicate with him by email but don’t send email attachments as his technological skills don’t yet match his therapeutic wisdom and wonderful sense of humour!

Ger Murphy, one of the founders of the journal in 1990, in an enlightening interview given to Thérèse Gaynor, explains his personal perspective on Integrative Psychotherapy and gives his ideas on the niche in the market that Inside Out should aim to fill. His thoughts on what Psychotherapy trainings should contain confirms that the journal is well justified in the articles it is presenting. Hopefully this will encourage lively debate between different disciplines and the sharing of experience and knowledge.

The whole area of child sexual abuse is of paramount concern to therapists and all who have children and young people in their care.   Nick Bankes in his article commends the Irish therapeutic approach to working in this area, and that in his opinion, it is more holistic than in England. These are affirming findings but Nick’s article also poses perhaps a silent question on how practitioners working with sexual abuse deal with their own anger towards abusers or the abused, whether it is conscious or unconscious. There is a lot of food for thought in this very well researched article.

Each of the contributors in their own way add to the richness of the journal and the opportunity for debate and we thank them for the challenge and stimulation. Your articles and responses are vital for the success and direction of the journal, whether based on personal experience or theoretical perspective.  So keep the writings and communications coming into us but don’t forget to email us for the journal format guidelines when writing articles!

It is a privilege to include Rachel Mooney’s letter welcoming the return of Inside Out and paying tribute to her late brother Alan, one of the founders of the journal.

We would like to add that in order not to duplicate numbering of the journals from the 1990’s, and for easier referencing, it has been decided to continue the issue numbers from where the journal finished in 1999 which was number 39. This means that our first issue from Spring 2003 will be catalogued as number 40, this issue, Autumn 2003 is number 41. This will maintain continuity from the previous issues.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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