Birth, Death and Rebirth – A Healing Journey
Book Review: Roots of Musicality – Music Therapy and Personal Development
Book Review: Spiritual Issues in Therapy: Relating Experience to Practice
Deep Feeling and Body Oriented Psychotherapy – Some brief comments
Dr. Tony Bates in Conversation with Thérèse Gaynor
Emma Foy (died 14th April 2005) – An Appreciation
Getting Out of the Box with the Enneagram
Issues That Can Arise in Therapy When Working With the Issues of Sexual Abuse and Addiction
Women Meeting Women in a Therapeutic Community Response to Violence Against Women
While every care is taken in the selection and verification of material published in Inside Out, we do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of all statements made by contributors, nor do the views expressed necessarily represent the views of the Editors. Names of all contributors are known to the Editorial Board.
Editorial Board for this issue:
Bernadette Costello, Mary de Courcy, Thérèse Gaynor, Angela McCarthy, Shirley Ward, Ursula Somerville and Pauline Dolan