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(click article titles to access)

A Non-Pathologising Approach to Psychotherapy

Book Review: Voices from the Field – Defining Moments in Counsellor and Therapist Development


Film Review: Avatar

Life Before Birth: How Experience in the Womb Can Affect Our Lives Forever

Menopause and Bio-Identical Hormones

Our Body Speaks in Psychotherapy Yoga

The Application and Development of C.G. Jung’s ‘Transcendent Function’ in the Therapeutic Treatment of Neurotic/Hysterical Behaviour and Applied in the Treatment of Attempted Suicide.

The Evolution of Human Consciousness and Spirituality

The importance of Image in the Creative Arts Therapies

The Power of Story and Myth – The Genesis of an Approach to Healing

The Private Pennings of Fiona Ferret – Reinstated Political Correspondent

The Space…

Tribute: Michael Corry, 1948 – 2010

Tributes: Paul Rebillot. May 19th 1931 – February 11th 2010

Workshop Review: A Sand Therapy Continuum Facilitated by Dr. June Atherton – Nov 2009 and Mar 2010

Workshop Review: Forensic Psychotherapy Presented by Dr. Patrick Randall, Clarion Hotel, IFSC, Dublin, Jan. 2010

While every care is taken in the selection and verification of material published in Inside Out, we do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of all statements made by contributors, nor do the views expressed necessarily represent the views of the Editors. Names of all contributors are known to the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board for this issue:

Margaret Byrne, Mary de Courcy, Thérèse Gaynor, Sarah Kay, Ursula Somerville, and  Shirley Ward