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When the editorial team met recently to discuss and select the contributions for this edition, we sat on soft chairs in a front room with Poppy the dog stretched out on her side in front of the fire in the hearth. We were quietly grateful that we had the opportunity to meet in a warm, safe place and thankful also for our freedom to choose what we would publish. We remember those, in Paris, for whom that liberty was denied in the loss of their lives and those, in other parts of the world, who continue to fight for the human right of freedom of expression.

As we got down to the business of our meeting together, we acknowledged that it was our last editorial gathering that would include Ursula Somerville who is ‘stepping down’ from the Board after this edition. Ursula has dedicated her energy to Inside Out for many years. We will miss her perspective, enthusiasm and sense of fun at our meetings.

In this edition, we offer a range of writings, alongside some poetry and reviews, that we hope you will find enjoyable and stimulating. We are delighted to publish a conversation with the Irish artist, Pauline Bewick, and to include some images of her work. A theme of presence-to-self weaves through both an article on awakening to intuitive consciousness and also through a paper on the value and importance of working with emotion in the ‘here-and-now’.

Two other articles, in very different styles, question current issues for our profession. One explores how we identify an appropriate supervisor with whom to enter into professional relationship. The other considers how some core elements of psychotherapy process differ from that of counselling and the writer also challenges us not to allow the dilution of psychotherapy.

The world is changing for psychotherapy in Ireland with statutory registration looming on the near horizon. The accreditation of therapists and the handling of complaints will no longer be in the remit of IAHIP. We now have an opportunity to prepare for the new world by engaging in dialogue amongst ourselves regarding any vision we might have of our professional organisation for the future. ‘Letters to the Editors’, in this journal, is a forum in which members might reflect on and share their vision with each other.

Finally, as we move on into spring, we invite interest from readers who might like to get involved in editing at Inside Out as we have vacancies. Any of us on the team here would be happy to tell you more about what is involved and about our gatherings around a hearth to bring a journal to the membership. Editorial team names are on the inside cover, or, if you prefer, please contact the IAHIP office.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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