Christine Louis de Canonville in Conversation
Understanding and Working Therapeutically with Loss in Lesbian Women
The IAHIP Pre-Accreditation Phase – A Liminal Experience
Grief: It’s complicated (10% of the time)
Supporting Adolescent Contact Boundary Development through Creative Process
‘Dead Body, Living Body’… Reflections on a Research Journey
A Response to Pat Comerford’s “A Humanistic Approach to Spirituality: Inclusivity”
Clarification on Inclusivity: A Response to Colm O’Doherty
Maintaining Eligibility for Re-accreditation with IAHIP
Book Review: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Editorial Board for this issue:
Margaret Brady, Maeve Dooley, Ger Matthews, Aisling McMahon, Sylvia Rowe.
While every care is taken in the selection and verification of material published in Inside Out, we do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of all statements made by contributors, nor do the views expressed necessarily represent the views of the Editors. Names of all contributors are known to the Editorial Board.