Silence: The Mother of Possibilities
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Community in Healing
Sandplay and the Half-Second of Psychotherapy
From Student to Therapist: Notes from the Journey
Nepal, Books, Training and More
Humanistic Psychotherapists, Car Mechanics, Shakespeare and the DSM-5
A Gestalt Approach to Working with Adolescents
Workshop Review: Introductory Workshop to Biosynthesis Body Psychotherapy
Editorial Board for this issue:
Margaret Brady, Maeve Dooley, Mary Hamill, Ger Matthews, Aisling McMahon, Monica Roche, Alan Rodgers, Sylvia Rowe
While every care is taken in the selection and verification of material published in Inside Out, we do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of all statements made by contributors, nor do the views expressed necessarily represent the views of the Editors. Names of all contributors are known to the Editorial Board.