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The Space

The light of awareness
– a quiet reflection

Know the beauty in the person. ‘See the beauty and be aware of the shadow’. The shadow is not solid. Beauty is solid. We cannot always see the shadow yet it is always there. We can only see the shadow when we shine light on it. Everyone has beauty and emits a shadow that is not of the person but is cast by the person. Only when we recognise the shadow for what it is can we truly be with the beauty of the person.

The shadow cannot be ignored. When a person seeks to see their beauty it is necessary to illuminate the shadow so the person can see it for themselves. Not a part of them but cast from them and always present. Remember, it holds no substance, so once seen it can be recognised for what it is. It therefore loses its power to disrupt the person. It can then be accepted for what it is and be kept in the knowledge that it accompanies the beauty.

Louise Foy