
  • 09/01/2024 10:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    We’ll be discussing:

    "The Agony And The Ecstasy... Bringing Couples Into Your Practice"

    Come along and learn more about the training we offer here at the Institute of Couples Therapy!

    2 CPD Hours 
    IACP Approved

    Further Information: [Click here>>>]

    To sign up and get the Zoom Link.

  • 12/12/2023 16:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Explore a unique Christmas present at and surprise your loved ones with the joy of song by gifting the book “Everyone Can Sing.

    Visit today.

  • 12/12/2023 15:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Global Legacy of the Great Famine in Ireland
    Healing the Wounds of An Gorta Mór & Exploring What it Means to be Irish Online | English

    What will we be exploring in this Lab?
    Our lab will explore the legacy of the Great Famine (1845-52), in which more than 1 million Irish died. More than 1 million emigrated during this time, and there were successive waves of emigration that created an Irish diaspora that today numbers more than 44 million. The lab is not so much about the history but about people’s experience of that history. What did the Irish have to do to survive the Famine? How does the Famine echo into our lives in the present? How is legacy of the famine different for those who left and those who remained?

    Who is invited to participate?
    The lab is intended for people of Irish descent, whether in Ireland or in the Irish diaspora. Some understanding of trauma is necessary, as is the willingness to look deeply into our individual lives and our ancestry. But most important is the desire to uncover and heal what our Irish ancestors couldn't heal in their own time.

    More about the journey of the Lab
    The lab will follow Thomas Hübl's Collective Trauma Integration Process (CTIP). We will create a safe container for exploring how the Famine trauma response still lives in us and how it affects our very being. Painful moments will certainly arise in this work but the process will be guided with compassion, care, and respect. And with a deeper understanding of the legacy of the Famine, we can begin individually and collectively to form a new sense of Irishness.

    When will we be meeting?
    The lab will meet on the Zoom platform. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Thereafter, the meetings will be on the second Tuesday of the month: Feb. 13, Mar. 12, Apr. 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, and Dec. 10. All meetings are for two hours, starting at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm Ireland.

    Link to webpage for registration:

    Lab Team

     BILL MCCART has been studying with Thomas since 2011. He has taken many of his online courses, completed the Timeless Wisdom Training in 2017, and been in Core Group since then. He completed the Practice Group Leader Training in 2021 and has been co-facilitating a group starting later that year. Thomas’s work has had a profound impact on his life, how he relates to life and its challenges, and how he contributes to life. He is deeply grateful for this and happy to support others on their spiritual and healing journeys.

     SIMON COURTNEY is a trauma-informed psychotherapist from Ireland. His initial curiosity and calling to explore collective trauma, and an embodied spirituality, brought him to the first Pocket Project training with Thomas Hübl in 2017. An increasing awareness for the need to turn towards our undigested past individually has been greatly influenced by his interest in the ancestral and collective dimensions of healing, using a somatic-based and relational approach in his work, where he is following the inner impulse to work more with smaller and emergent group processes.

    KATHY SCOTT is a cultural activist and creative entrepreneur dedicated to creating provocative experiences that animate the spirit of our times. Her greatest mission is to nudge humanity forward by inspiring people to rise and lift each other up along the way. She is creative director of The Trailblazery, which was founded as a response to a need for deeper human connection and belonging in our world. She is also founder of The Hedge School – an award-winning cultural project rooted in Ireland that invites people on a collective (un)learning experience to find our shared humanity.

  • 12/12/2023 15:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Places in on-line supervision groups will become available from January 2024.

    Four members per group and other criteria for supervision hours, reports etc for your accreditation in IAHIP and IACP will be met.

    At the moment availability of places exist on Monday evening 7pm; Thursday morning at 8am and Friday morning at 10am.

    My fee is 60 euros per two hour session with an average of 11 sessions per year.

    If you are interested in please contact me:

    Jim FitzGibbon SIAHIP
    087 755 05680

  • 04/12/2023 14:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    RESEARCH – Burnout in counsellors and psychotherapists from the perspective of psychotherapy supervisors in Ireland.

    Are you a practicing accredited supervisor in psychotherapy in Ireland with at least three years providing supervision?

    You are invited to participate in a research study, undertaken as part of an MSc inPsychotherapy, Dublin City University.

    The purpose of the study is to explore the experiences of practicing psychotherapist supervisors surrounding the area of burnout in their supervisee therapists in Ireland. If you have an interest in this area or have experience of this with supervisees you may wish to participate in this study. This study will be an exploratory, in-depth study of the experiences of supervisors dealing with burnout in supervisee therapists and trainee therapists. Participants will be required to partake in a semi-structured interview lasting approximately one hour on the subject of burnout. You will be asked to meet with the researcher for a one hour face to face interview. However the option to use zoom for interviews if this is more suitable is available. DCU protocol will be followed with regard to the use of zoom.

    If you are interested in taking part in this study, or have any questions about what is involved, please contact me.

    Neil Brady.
    085 210 7409

  • 04/12/2023 11:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cavendish Conference Centre, London

    The London International Eating Disorders Conference (LEDC)

    08:15 – 09:15 Registration and refreshments
    09:15 – 09:30 Welcome by the conference chairs

    Neuro Diversity in Eating Disorders

    09:30 – 10:00 ARFID & ASD
    10:00 – 10:30 Lived experience: Autism & ED
    10:30 – 11:10 Discussion and questions

    11:10 – 11:40 Refreshment and exhibition viewing

    11:40 – 12:40 Practical Session: PEACE Pathway Implementation

    12:40 – 13:40 Lunch and exhibition viewing

    Patient Diversity

    13:40 – 14:10 Racism/Fatphobia
    14:10 – 14:40 Male eating disorders and binge-eating
    14:40 – 15:10 BAME challenges in eating disorders

    15:10 -15:30 Refreshment and exhibition viewing

    15:30 – 16:30 Panel discussion: are we doing enough for our diverse patients?

    16:30 – 16:45 Summary and close of conference

    For full information, please visit:

  • 28/11/2023 17:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Research: How can the combined knowledge of the Polyvagal Theory and Practice of Yoga support the psychotherapist in self-regulation and co-regulation?

    I am a final year student undertaking a Masters in Creative Psychotherapy with children and adolescents with Children’s Therapy Centre.

    I am currently conducting research for my thesis study.

    The title of my research study is: How can the combined knowledge of the Polyvagal Theory and practice of Yoga support the psychotherapist in self-regulation and co-regulation?

    The study will comprise of two focus groups over zoom to discuss the topic. One focus group will include psychotherapists that are also trained yoga teachers. The second group will comprise of psychotherapists that practice yoga.

    Participants for either focus group may comprise of psychotherapists that are accredited or pre-accredited.

    Participation will involve a focus group meeting over zoom of an hour and fifteen minutes.

    If you would like any further information regarding the research or would like to participate in either focus group, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at:
    Phone: 086 885 3966

  • 28/11/2023 16:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bronagh Starrs
    Winter-Spring Workshop Series

    Anxiety, Autism & Gender (Dublin, Limerick Cork)
    Sandspace (Galway, Dublin)
    Professional Certificate in Adolescent Studies (Online)

    For more information, please email Bronagh directly

  • 28/11/2023 16:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bronagh Starrs
    New Publication

    Adolescent Configuration Styles, Parenting and Psychotherapy – A Relational Perspective

    “Starrs integrates psychological theory, developmental neuroscience, deep clinical wisdom, and profound empathy into a highly readable guide that belongs in the hands of anyone who cares for teenagers and their parents.”
    - Lisa Damour, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of UntangledUnder Pressure, and The Emotional Lives of Teenager

    “At last, we have a book which offers a framework for understanding the teenager’s psychological world. Starrs’ work is directed towards development and growth, not on the pathology of adolescence. A joy to read.”
    -Irena Bezić, PhD,President of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) and Co-founder of Centar IGW Zagreb.

    “There are few who can match Starrs’ depth of phenomenological attunement and degree of therapeutic sensibility with adolescents. She illustrates a masterful approach. A must-read for therapists, parents and anyone involved in the lives of teenagers.”
    - Richie Sadlier, bestselling author of Recovering and Let’s Talk

    “I was enthralled by the examples, they relate so well to my own experience of young people, as a professional and a parent of four. This is essential reading for all who work therapeutically with adolescents.”
    - Sue Pattison, PhD,Co-Editor The Sage Handbook of Counselling Children and Young People.

    “From beginning to end the book oozes rich and meaningful therapeutic experience. A must read for anyone engaged in therapeutic work with adolescents, or in any other domain, and for parents.”
    - Dominic McSherry, PhD, Reader in Psychology, Ulster University and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

  • 28/11/2023 15:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Super.Vision Training

    Multi professional training in Humanistic & Integrative Supervision

    Suitable for psychotherapists, counsellors, life coaches, community workers & other health care professionals.
    The course focuses on the skills, theory and practice
    and enables participants to supervise across professions.

    The training is accredited by IACP
    for supervisor training and accreditation

    Fulfils the requirements for supervisor accreditation with IAHIP.

    Training takes place in online
    January 2024 to December 2024, 16 days.

    (includes a weekend workshop)
    Places limited, applications now being accepted.

    For details and to apply please contact:

    Annie Sampson MSc Supervision & Reflective Practice
    087 232 0525 /