Can I still apply for accreditation through Bye-Law 11?

Bye-Law 11 and Covid 19 Addendum Criteria are being phased out and individuals can still apply for accreditation through Bye-Law 11 and Covid 19 Addendum Criteria, where relevant, until August 2025 if they prefer.


Through which Bye-Law should I apply?

You will need to read the Bye-Laws and establish which one you believe you meet the criteria for. 

Bye-Law 11 is the Bye-Law that preceded Bye-Law 16A, Bye-Law 16B and Bye-Law 16C and if you wish you can apply for accreditation under Bye-Law 11 and Covid 19 Addendum Criteria, where relevant, until August 2025. Bye-Law 11 applies to individuals from both IAHIP recognised training courses and non IAHIP recognised training courses.

Bye-Law 16A is for individuals who completed an IAHIP recognised training course.

Bye-Law 16C is for individuals who completed a non IAHIP recognised training course.


Once accredited, how long am I accredited for? 

If you are accredited through Bye-Law 16A, initially you are accredited for two years. Following, the first time re-accreditation (through Bye-Law 16B) you will then be accredited for five years (through Bye-Law 1C).

If you are accredited through Bye-Law 11 or Bye-Law 16C you are accredited for five years.

I am already an accredited IAHIP Member, do I have to re-apply for my re-accreditation within two years?

Anyone that is and was accredited through Bye-Law 11, which preceded the new bye-laws, are still accredited for a five year period and need to present themselves for re-accreditation five years following first time accreditation or their last re-accreditation. The re-accreditation criteria relevant here is outlined in Bye-Law 1C.


I completed my training course between Autumn 2019 and September 2024, and I do not meet the ratio of face-to-face/in person and remote hours as outlined in Bye-Law 16A and Bye-Law 16C will there be any provisions for this?

The Covid Adjustments, which applied to all students who commenced training in Autumn 2019 and up to and including all students who complete training in September 2025, will be honoured and accepted for the purposes of Accreditation. Students who were granted a deferral during this time will be accommodated.


Are there CPD requirements for accreditation?

There are CPD requirement for accreditation ONLY if you are applying through Bye-Law 16C two or more years following successful completion of the training course. Full details are outlined in Bye-Law 16C.

I have completed an IAHIP recognised training course but don’t meet the accreditation criteria outlined in Bye-Law 16A just yet, what do I do?

If you have successfully completed an IAHIP recognised training course and don’t meet the criteria you apply for Certified Associate category and work on completing the hours and meeting the criteria. Once you meet the criteria you can apply for accreditation.

Following successful completion of your recognised training course you have up to two years to meet the criteria and apply for accreditation and we advise that you read the Accreditation Criteria as outlined in Bye-Law 16A in full which you can view here.


I have completed an IAHIP recognised training course and meet the accreditation criteria outlined in Bye-Law 16A, what do I do?

A: If you have successfully completed an IAHIP recognised training course and meet the criteria you can apply for accreditation through our Applications portal. Please note that you will need to create a new account if you have not done so already. The applications portal is not connected to your account on the main IAHIP website.

What reaccreditation criteria applies to me once I have been accredited?

If you were accredited through Bye-Law 11 or Bye-Law 16C the re-accreditation criteria outlined in Bye-Law 1C applies.

If you were accredited through Bye-Law 16A, the re-accreditation criteria outlined in Bye-Law 16B applies for first time re-accreditation and for subsequent re-accreditation the re-accreditation criteria outlined in Bye-Law 1C applies.

Can I have a non IAHIP Supervisor?

Yes, you can have a non IAHIP Supervisors however, the Supervisor must meet the EAP Standards and pursue their own practice from a shared humanistic and integrative ethos.

If your supervisor is an accredited supervisor with IACP please note that Governing Body of IAHIP and the Board of IACP have ratified a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pertaining to the mutual authorisation of our accredited supervisors.

This new MOU came into effect from 1st July 2024. You can view the MOU, inclusive of the mutually agreed conditions, by clicking here.