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RE- accreditation AS A SUPERVISOR

1.0   In accordance with Bye Law 5C, accredited members of IAHIP may also be registered by the Association as accredited supervisors.  Such registration permits a member to use the initials SIAHIP after their name, to indicate that they are accredited as a Supervisor of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.1, 2

1.1   Initial accreditation as an IAHIP supervisor, and each subsequent re-accreditation, is valid for a period of five years (subject to sub-clause 1.1.1 below, and subject to the payment of such annual fees as may be determined by the Association from time to time), and those wishing to continue their accreditation as IAHIP supervisors after that period must reapply to the Supervision Committee and show they have met the conditions laid down in clause 2 below.  

1.1.1   Accreditation as an IAHIP supervisor is linked to accreditation as a psychotherapist (i.e. accredited membership of the Association) in that such accreditation shall become invalid automatically if for any reason an accredited supervisor ceases to be a member of the Association. Accreditation as a supervisor is also dependent upon psychotherapist accreditation not having lapsed.

1.1.2   Accreditation (or re-accreditation) as a psychotherapist and accreditation (or re-accreditation) as an IAHIP supervisor involves distinct application processes, and separate fees, as laid down from time to time, are payable.

2.0   A member making an application for re-accreditation as an IAHIP supervisor must fill in the appropriate application form and

(a)  Indicate that they have maintained a supervision practice

(b)  Show evidence of having received supervision of their supervision practice, and have their statement of this on their application form countersigned by the supervisor(s) of their supervision practice. 

(c)  Show how their choice of CPD activities has enhanced and supported their practice as a supervisor including reference to the functions of supervision.

(d)  Show evidence of current professional insurance cover in relation to supervision practice.

3.0 Applicants whose applications for re-registration are refused by the Supervision Committee, may appeal this decision if the Committee did not properly follow its own procedures.  The appeal should be made in writing to the Governing Body, giving the basis for the appeal.  The Governing Body will appoint an Ad-Hoc Appeals Board to hear and adjudicate on the appeal.  The “Grounds for Certain Appeals within IAHIP” and “Terms of Reference for IAHIP Appeals Process”, for the time being in force, shall apply.  

4.0 It is the responsibility of the applicant to contract with their supervisor to ensure that supervision of their supervision practice is proportionate to the composition and complexity of the applicant’s caseload 1 Wherever the word “supervisor” or the related word “supervision” are used in this document, they refer only to the supervision of psychotherapy and/or counselling.

2 Acceptability as a supervisor for members of the Association is not necessarily limited to those who are IAHIP Accredited Supervisors.  See Bye-Laws 1c, 5, and 11

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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