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1.0   Members of the Association may, if they meet the conditions set out in this Bye Law, be registered by the Association as Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy Accredited Supervisors. 

2.0   A member making an initial application for registration as an IAHIP accredited supervisor must fulfil each of the following criteria:

(a)  be an accredited member of IAHIP.

(b)  have five years of experience of supervised practice as a psychotherapist, after their accreditation by IAHIP or by an equivalent organisation acceptable to IAHIP that accredits the practice of psychotherapy.

(c)  maintain a psychotherapy practice which they pursue from a humanistic and integrative perspective.

(d)  have delivered a minimum of 1200 hours of post-accreditation psychotherapy work.

(e)  have successfully completed a Professional Supervision Training Course in accordance with the standards laid down in Bye Law 5E

(f)  have had at least 1 year’s experience of giving supervision to a minimum of 50 hours, including at least 12 hours one-to-one supervision with the same supervisee (during or post training).

(g)  be currently supervising no fewer than 2 individual supervisees under the supervision of an appropriately accredited supervisor.

(h)  provide a comprehensive Supervisor’s Report attesting to the quality and quantity of the applicant’s supervisory work with reference to the functions of supervision and confirming also that the applicant maintains a psychotherapy practice from a Humanistic and Integrative perspective.

(i)  provide evidence that they currently have appropriate insurance cover for both the psychotherapy and supervision work they are doing.

3.0   A Professional Supervision Training Course should satisfy minimum criteria and guidance set out in Bye Law 5E and allied documents relating to accreditation as an IAHIP Supervisor

4.0 The Supervision Committee shall forward to the Membership Secretary the names of each applicant whom it judges to meet the criteria for accreditation as a supervisor, so that they may ascertain whether any valid reason (such as an outstanding complaint) exists to deny or postpone the accreditation of that applicant.  If the Membership Secretary confirms that no such reason exists, the Governing Body shall, at its next meeting, confirm the supervisor accreditation of the member, and the Membership Secretary shall inform the applicant that they have been confirmed as an accredited supervisor.

Those whose applications have not been accepted for accreditation as a supervisor must be informed in writing by the Secretary of the Supervision Committee, and a report stating the grounds for the decision must be provided to the applicant. Applicants may reapply once the deficits detailed in this report have been rectified.

4.1 Applicants, whose applications for registration are refused by the Supervision Committee, may appeal this decision if the Committee did not properly follow its own procedures.  The appeal should be made in writing to the Governing Body, giving the basis for the appeal.  The Governing Body will appoint an Ad-Hoc Appeals Board to hear and adjudicate on the appeal.  The “Grounds for Certain Appeals within IAHIP” and “Terms of Reference for IAHIP Appeals Process”, for the time being in force, shall apply. 

5.0   Undertakings

To be registered as an IAHIP Accredited Supervisor, an applicant must have given specific undertakings about their behaviour as a Supervisor if their request for accreditation is to be granted. These undertakings are as follows:

  1. To abide by the IAHIP Code of Ethics and Practice for Supervisor
  2. To present themselves for re-accreditation as an IAHIP Supervisor as IAHIP require
  3. To show commitment to their ongoing professional development as a supervisor
  4. To be committed to maintaining appropriate ongoing supervision and support for their work as an IAHIP Supervisor in accordance with IAHIP requirements.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to contract with their supervisor to ensure that supervision of their supervision practice is proportionate to the composition and complexity of the applicant’s caseload.

6.0 Implementation

The Supervision Committee is the competent body to implement this Bye Law in accordance with the provisions of Bye Law 5A. 

  • Wherever the word “supervisor” or the related words “supervision”, or “supervisee” are used in this document, they refer only to the supervision of psychotherapy and/or counselling, unless the context specifically provides otherwise.
  • Acceptability as a supervisor for members of the Association is not limited to those who are IAHIP Accredited Supervisors. - See Bye-Law 11 [section 7] and Bye-Law 1c for specific details. 

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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