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1.   This Bye Law deals with special categories of membership of the Association.

2.   Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be awarded by the Governing Body to long-serving members of the Association who have reached the age of seventy and have retired or largely retired (or, in exceptional circumstances, long-serving members who have retired before that age) and who are judged by the Governing Body to have contributed significantly to the well-being and development of the Association by their service to formal or informal committees or work-groups of the Association.

2.1   Since the Governing Body at any given time may not know either the age or the earlier contribution of a member of the Association, any member may write to the Governing Body nominating a member they believe should be awarded the status of Honorary Member, and citing the reasons why it is believed the award is merited.

2.2   Honorary Members will not be required to pay annual membership fees to the Association, nor will they need to seek re-accreditation.

2.3   Honorary Members will not be registered with the Irish Council for Psychotherapy unless they explicitly ask to be, in which case they will be required to pay that portion of the subscription to the Association which goes to the Irish Council for Psychotherapy.

2.4   Apart from not being required to pay fees or seek re-accreditation, and not being registered automatically with the Irish Council for Psychotherapy, Honorary Members will be subject to all the duties of ordinary members, and will enjoy all the rights of ordinary members.

3.   Non-Practising Associate Membership
Accredited, fully paid-up, members of the Association who wish to retire from the profession, or who, for any reason (such as taking a sabbatical, family reasons, career change, illness, travel, study) wish to suspend their practice of psychotherapy for one year or more, may become Non-Practising Associate Members.

3.1   Members who wish to take parental leave from their practice for less than a year, because of pregnancy or the birth or adoption of a baby or for other reasons relating to their children, do not have to become Non-Practising Associates.  

3.2   Members may become Non-Practising Associate Members, and continue in that status, by notifying the Membership Secretary of their decision, and by paying the special Non-Practising Associate Member annual subscription, which will be determined by the Governing Body of the Association from time to time.

3.3   Members who signify their intention to become Non-Practising Associate Members remain as full members until the end of the year for which they have already paid their subscription, and their Non-Practising Associate Member status begins at the beginning of the following year.

3.4   Non-Practising Associate Members may return to full membership provided they meet the criteria and conditions laid down by the Association.  These criteria and conditions will be determined from time to time by the Governing Body.  They may differ for those who have already been re-accredited at least once, and those who have not yet reached that point.  They may also differ depending on the length of time for which the person involved was a Non-Practising Associate Member.  

3.5   Non-Practising Associate Members may not, as long as they hold that status, continue to represent themselves as Members of IAHIP.

3.6  Non-Practising Associate Members shall not, as long as they hold that status, continue to be listed by the Irish Council for Psychotherapy as qualified psychotherapists.

3.7   Non-Practising Associate Members shall not be covered by IAHIP insurance.

3.8   Non-Practising Associate Members shall not be covered by the IAHIP complaints procedure for the time in which they hold that status.  They shall, however, continue be bound by the IAHIP complaints procedure in relation to any complaint that pertains to the time they were full members of the Association.

3.9   As well as having the right to return to full membership Non-Practising Associate Members shall have the following additional rights:
◊    they may attend AGMs and EGMs (without voting rights)
◊    they will be on the mailing list
◊    they will receive INSIDE OUT
◊    they will receive the IAHIP newsletter 

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

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