These appeals contest decisions regarding accreditation, re-accreditation, or recognition made by any of the specified committees:
  • Accreditation Committee
  • Re-Accreditation Committee 
  • Supervision Committee 
  • Psychotherapy Training Course Recognition (PTCRC).

Each relevant committee makes its decisions regarding accreditation, re-accreditation or training course recognition, by evaluating an application according to a very specific set of criteria outlined in the relevant Bye Laws. If these criteria are not fully met, accreditation, re-accreditation or training course recognition will not be granted. The applicant will be informed of the grounds for refusal, with details of the areas in which the criteria have not been met. The applicant may reapply once the deficit has been addressed. If the deficit is minor, it may be addressed without re-application in consultation with the relevant Committee.

Thus, the grounds for appeal are that the Committee did not follow the correct procedures regarding the particular application for accreditation, re-accreditation or recognition of a training course.

An appeal against a decision of the Committee should be lodged within 20 working days of the date of receipt of the refusal, using the Appeals Form, which may be obtained from the Administration Office or downloaded from the IAHIP website.

The appeal will be heard by an Ad-Hoc Appeals Board which is appointed by the Governing Body for this specific purpose. The decision of the Ad-Hoc Appeals Board will be final.

The refusal of an appeal does not prevent the applicant from re-applying when the deficit in their application is addressed.

The principles outlined above shall also apply to cases when recognition of a training course is withdrawn.