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Welcome! Welcome to the relaunch of Inside Out, the journal of the Irish
 Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy. Established in
 1990, the journal was published quarterly until 1999. The editors hope to
 maintain links with the 20th century journal while opening new horizons 
into the 21st century.

Enthusiastic discussions during our initial meeting in December 2002 led to
 a formalising of our general aspirations for the journal. Rather than a
 thematic approach, we decided on a number of strands which, with each 
issue, might open, unfold and develop. Among these strands are such topics 
as Creative Therapies, Working with Cross-Cultural Clients, Childhood and 
Adolescent Issues and Disorders of the Celtic Tiger. Other ideas for
 discussion include the impact of the increasing alliance of psychotherapy
 training bodies with academic institutions. A cursory glance at the training 
course chart in this issue illustrates this development. While these themes 
are by no means exhaustive, and we welcome ideas for topics of interest to
 our readers, these subjects seem to the editors, to be of immediate interest. 
Our aspirations are to facilitate flexible, open dialogue which invites
 comment, contribution and debate from the readership.

Furthering this concept, we have instituted ‘The Space…’ Placed
 strategically on the last page, The Space… offers an open space, bounded 
only by the structure and size of the page in which a thought can be shared. 
A drawing, a poem, a memory, this is an available space for you to share 
your conscious and unconscious passion!

Embodying the Humanistic ideals of developing real relationships through 
authenticity and genuineness, we invite contributions which hopefully will
 open dialogue and discussion about the profession of psychotherapy. We
 welcome difference and diversity and while we are aware of splits and
 disconnections in our individual and collective psyches, we invite open,
 honest discussion that seeks to explore our commonality as people and
 within our profession. This issue encapsulates some of these aims. We are 
pleased to have among our contributors, authors who provide continuity 
with the journal of the 1990’s and writers who are new to Inside Out. We 
would particulary like to acknowledge John Rowan’s ongoing contribution 
to the journal and the IAHIP since its inception in 1992.

We invite you, the reader, to respond to these articles and to send in articles
 for consideration. It is with your enthusiasm and our commitment as an 
editorial team that the opening up of Inside Out is secured.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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