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Two items are uppermost in my mind while writing this editorial: the death of Kenneth Bigley and an interview with Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues (The Guardian, 09.10.04). I was shocked to hear of the evil killing of Ken Bigley, and quite overwhelmed on hearing of his brief escape from captivity followed by recapture and savage beheading. The sense of physical and psychological entrapment, a glimpse of freedom and the despair of being caught again reverberated with parts of the Ensler interview. Raped and abused by her father between the ages of five and ten, she entered a hellish world of alcohol, drug and sex addictions.

What is the world that we, as therapists offer to our traumatised clients? Respite from psychic horror? A glimpse of a saner world? Integration of a fragmented spirit? Are we always sure that what we offer as therapists is the best way forward?

This issue of Inside Out contains articles and reviews ranging from birth, childhood and adult trauma to possible roads towards recovery though sound, voice and Rebirthing. At the core of each written piece are the central concepts of holding, containment and safety which are integral to our practice and profession. Eve Ensler attributed her salvation to love and long years in therapy. Through her plays she brings laughter and fun into an often sorrowful world. In the shadow of evil, Ken Bigley lost his struggle for this life. What, as therapists, are our struggles towards brightness? What are our responsibilities for the shadows?

As we prepare for this issue of Inside Out, our esteemed member of the Editorial Board, Mary Arthurs, has had to retire due to her other IAHIP commitments. We wish her tremendous success in her task as the chair of IAHIP and look forward to her ongoing support and encouragement.

Our letter in this issue comes from New York and we are particularly pleased to have received a transatlantic response. Our invitation to share a moment with the readership in The Space… has yielded a powerful drawing which we’re delighted to be able to produce in colour. As always we welcome your contributions to Inside Out and continue to encourage ongoing dialogue amongst our readership within the pages of this journal.

IAHIP 2004 - INSIDE OUT 44 - Winter 2004

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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