
  • 03/02/2022 14:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Inspired by Babette Rothschilds book ‘Help for the Helper: The Psychophysiology of Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma’. You are invited to participate in a research study as part requirement for completion of an MA Psychotherapy (DBS).

    The aim of the research is to explore what meaning self-care practices have for the therapist and its impact on therapeutic practice.

    Participants who are IAHIP Accredited psychotherapists with a minimum of 5 years or more experience in the field are invited to take part in an interview that will last approximately 50 mins, either online or in person.

    If you are interested in taking part or have any further questions, please contact Fionnuala Morrin:


    Mobile: 083 334 9749

  • 03/02/2022 11:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    My name is Liam Griffin, and I am a student in the MA in Applied Psychology (Mental Health) programme in University College, Cork (UCC). As part of the programme, I will be conducting research, supervised by Nicola Barry.

    The purpose of the study is to explore Irish counsellors/psychotherapists’ experience of and sense of competence in working with clients of other ethnic/racial cultures. I am recruiting participants to take part in a one-to-one interview. The interview will be audio-recorded and is expected to take 30-40 minutes to complete and will take place online via Microsoft Teams.

    The interview will address three key issues: (1) your experience of working with clients from other ethnic/racial cultures, and the impact that the cultural difference has in the therapy room, (2) cultural competence and your experience of enacting best practice guidelines, and (3) any personal and/or professional learnings from working with clients of other ethnic/racial cultures. The questions will be centred on your reflection on your experiences in practice, but no identifying or sensitive information will be sought.

    The purpose of this study is to explore Irish counsellors/psychotherapists’ experience of and sense of competence in working with clients of other racial/ethnic cultures. Participants are required to not belong to a minority group, i.e. you have predominantly lived and worked in Ireland and you feel that you have been shaped by Irish culture. Participants are required to be qualified/have completed a recognised professional training in counselling/psychotherapy.

    Should you choose to participate, you can refuse to answer specific questions, or decide to withdraw from the interview. Once the interview has been concluded, you can choose to withdraw your details at any time in the subsequent two weeks post-completion of the interview.

    All the information you provide will be kept confidential and anonymous and will be available only to the researcher and the supervisor. The only exception is where information is disclosed which indicates that there is a serious risk to you or to others. The interview will be transcribed by the researcher, and all identifying information will be removed. Once this is done, the audio-recording will also be deleted and only the anonymized transcript will remain. This will be stored on the University College Cork OneDrive system and subsequently on the UCC server. The data will be stored for a minimum of ten years. The information you provide may contribute to research publications and/or conference presentations. This research will outline potential areas of development and learning for Irish counsellors/therapists in working with clients of other cultures. These learnings and points of development for counsellors/therapists will aid in clients of other cultures in receiving appropriate and effective mental health support in Ireland. We do not anticipate any negative outcomes from participating in this study. At the end of the procedure, I will discuss with you how you found the experience and how you are feeling.

    This study has obtained ethical approval from the UCC School of Applied Psychology Ethics Committee.

    If you wish to participate, or you would like to discuss the research, you can contact me via email at, or via phone on +353 86 248 2808.

  • 28/01/2022 15:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are invited to take part in the above titled research study undertaken in part completion of MA Psychotherapy (DBS). The overall aim of this study is to explore the process of becoming an integrative psychotherapist in IAHIP accredited psychotherapists registered with the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) for over 10 years.


    Participants are invited to take part in an interview that will take 1 hour, either online or face to face. This interview will seek to explore the journey of becoming an integrative psychotherapist. If you are interested in taking part, please contact John Bourke:

    Contact Details: M: 0868190038; E:

  • 28/01/2022 15:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    * The Body and Attachment

    * The Body and Character Structures

    * The Body and Trauma

    * Reading the Body

    * The Body and Awareness: Mindfulness and Focusing

    * The Body and Expression: Gestalt and Psychodrama

    * The Body and Shame

    Dates: Saturdays (2022): February 26, March 26, April 23, May 21, June 18. (Day 6 to be agreed on course, either in July or September 2022).

    Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm

    Venue: Avila Carmelite Centre, Bloomfield Avenue, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. (145 bus direct from Heuston Station to Donnybrook)

    Cost: €650.

    For enquiries or bookings, contact Thomas Larkin, 085 7283697,, or see

  • 21/01/2022 17:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    After more than 13 years of lecturing in Existentialism, and helping clients and supervisees navigate these profound and essential topics, I launched some discussion groups last year during the COVID pandemic to provide a space to delve deeper into Life’s crucial questions. I am delighted to say their success has given birth to two more expanded groups, commencing this February 2022. 

    • A.    Guided Conversations in Existentialism (for anyone, from all walks of life).

    Are you looking for a space where you can be part of a structured conversation about life and existential issues? Perhaps you are new to existential ideas or already have some knowledge and would like a deeper understanding of the concepts.

    This is a facilitated group where members are invited to reflect on a specific existential issue e.g. Meaning, Freedom, Death, etc and the facilitator will help guide the members in their exploration and understanding of the subject matter. This group approach will heighten people’s understanding of their position in life and ideally help clarify what it means for them to truly live.

    • B.     The Examined Life Discussion Group (specifically for Professionals in the Caring Fields).

    Working in the caring fields can be a double-edged sword. There is a lot of job satisfaction but it is not uncommon that our own care, and our shadow material (both healthy and unhealthy), can be left to the side.
    This is a unique, private, closed group and requires a certain degree of emotional maturity. The process involves a free flow of thought and consciousness and the benefit of these groups comes from being-with-others in a space of honest inquiry with a willingness to discuss the challenges and thrills of an examined life. While the facilitator takes responsibility for practical organisation and maintaining ethical group processes, they do not lead or direct. They join as a fellow traveller in the exploration and pursuit of meaningful life experiences and self-understanding. 

    Existential inquiry supports curiosity, openness, and truth. Existential thought is based upon a belief that all people experience certain conflicts in life, by the very fact of being human; being alive. These ‘givens’ include (but are not limited to) death, freedom, isolation, and meaning. Inevitability, we will all confront these existential givens at some point in life.

    For further information or to book a place on a group, please go to  

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions:  Tel: 087 927 6790. 


  • 21/01/2022 16:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Family Constellations Online Training and Group Work

    This Spring, Brendan and Eileen O’Brien of Family Constellations Ireland are delighted to offer

           Online Personal Development Constellations Group

           Constellation Facilitation Practice Online

           Online Family Constellations Workshops

           Workshops for those bereaved/affected by Suicide in their Family (Free)

    All our workshops/groups/training  fulfill conditions for CPD with IACP and IAHIP and may be accepted by other professional certifying bodies.

    Full details here:

    Online Personal Development Constellations Group

    The group will provide a safe space for ongoing reflection, support and personal growth. Using a family constellations lens, each participant will have the opportunity, over the course of the eight weeks to do a constellation. There will also be space for supporting one another on our internal journey. Over time, we have experienced this as a journey home to ourselves.

    This short course (30 hours) is designed to help participants:

           manage personal and professional relationships

           set healthy boundaries

           come to terms with difficult life experiences

           deal with grief and loss

           support themselves in family life

           be free of entanglements from the past

           lead their own lives in their time.

    Starts Sunday 20th Feb with one full day, then for 8 Wednesday mornings, from 9:30am to 12:30pm.

    Personal Development ConstellationGroup | familyconstellations

    Constellation Facilitation Practice Online

    This 36 hour course is designed for those who have completed a Core Training in Family Constellations, have some experience in applying the concepts in their individual practice and would like to start facilitating full constellations.

    Building on the skills acquired in your basic training, this course will allow each participant the opportunity to facilitate a full constellation over the course of the training, in a supported way. There will be opportunities to discuss and learn from other group members. We will examine the challenges that may arise and discuss strategies that can be used to deal with these challenges. Depending on the needs of the group, we will offer opportunities for reflection, personal development, small group work, and constellation practice in a safe and supervised setting.

    The core emphasis will be on supporting participants to learn by doing. Participants will be supported by Brendan and Eileen as they work with their peers as part of a group learning process. Working in this way offers us the opportunity to learn from each other as we share our skills and experience. Each of us has our own gifts.



    We expect that participants should have:

    - completed a core training in Family Constellations that includes elements of Theory and Practice

    - some other experience of using a Family Constellation Lens in individual practice or in a one-to-one setting

    - sufficient personal and professional supports

    Starts 19th February then Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Full day scheduled for 10th April.

    Constellation Facilitation Practice | familyconstellations

    Online Family Constellations Workshops

    Two-day online workshops where each participant will have the opportunity to explore an issue or concern that is having an impact on their family life.

    February 5th and 6th, March 10th and 11th

    More information:

  • 13/01/2022 15:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January 22-April 10th Saturdays* 9-11am live on zoom, 

    "The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens..." Rilke

    Tending Our Futures blends thematic modules on Teachable with nine live sessions on Saturday mornings. This course offers a guided journey to support participants reflection, exploration and recalibration. It will appeal to those seeking a deep, textured context in which to tend their own lives in fresh ways.

    Attending to Presence, Integration and Emergence, we emphasize the value of balancing our care of past, present and future. This enables a beautiful relation to time, wherein we include the wide span of our lives and support our unique ripening.

    Each week is focused on a specific theme, which is explored in a Teachable module and in the live sessions. Core themes include: how we digest our past, moving from fate to destiny, aligning with fluidity and emergence, and relating to aging and death. Our emphasis will be on bringing this territory alive in ways that reach and nourish us, both as individuals and as humans gathering together. The course draws on spiritual and psychological perspectives, including the work of Christopher Bollas, James Hillman and Thomas Hubl.

    We commence the live sessions on Saturday January 22, from 9-11am.

    Discount for IAHIP members Click here>>, or with the code IAHIP.


    Emma Philbin Bowman and Simon Courtney have run several live groups together on Zoom. They are passionate about the value and potency of working with small groups, and both bring extensive experience, practice and trainings to this work. Emma also facilitates groups at UCD and

    *two meetings take place on Sundays

  • 13/01/2022 14:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Therapy Rooms for Rent in Dublin City Centre

    We invite pre-accredited and accredited psychotherapists to join our practice at 5 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2

    • Join an Experienced and Supportive Team of Psychotherapists
    • Evening and Daytime Rental Blocks Available at Affordable Rates
    • Newly Furbished, Equipped & Soundproofed Therapy Rooms
    • Free Clinical Referrals and Online Scheduling Calendar
    • High Speed Wifi for Online / Video Sessions
    • Open 5 Days a Week from 8am to 10pm

    Please contact Ciarán on 01 661 2220 | Email:

    For more details & photos see:

  • 07/01/2022 16:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cúlra Counselling is a professional practice in the heart of Limerick City. We have three therapy rooms each with a unique intimate and stylish design.

    We currently wish to rent one of our rooms to a professional counsellor/psychotherapist or supervisor. The room available is ideally suitable for families or small groups and can be rented on a daily basis. Ideally, we would like to rent the space for 2 days per week minimum.

    Daily rate is €100 which is inclusive of rates, utilities, WIFI and inclusion in our website (If desired).

    Check us out at

    Call Maria on 087-6034316 or 061-639171 for further information

  • 07/01/2022 16:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Providing quality personal & professional development since 1983

    Upgrade your qualification to Masters level

    We are currently taking applications for the APEL route into the Practitioner -Researcher year of our Masters programme. It offers successful applicants an opportunity to join an embodied and collaborative Gestalt learning community. GII graduates who completed the programme before 2017 and graduates from a comparable programme who are professionally accredited are eligible to apply.

    Find out more at at