
  • 15/11/2022 12:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    My name is Sharon Cunningham. I am a Chartered Psychologist and am also studying for a Doctorate in Psychotherapy at DCU.

    I am conducting a research study exploring how counselling and psychotherapy clients experience the mandatory reporting of their childhood abuse once it has been disclosed in therapy.

    I am asking you for your support and assistance with recruiting participants for this study – more details are below.

    Existing research has explored mandatory reporting during counselling and psychotherapy from the therapist’s perspective, only a few global studies have examined this process from the client’s perspective, and no studies have been conducted in Ireland. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the experience of mandatory reporting from the counselling /psychotherapy client’s perspective, giving their experience a voice and an opportunity for their experiences to be shared and witnessed. The finding from this study will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, informing counselling & psychotherapy practice and policy.

    Participation in the study would involve attending a research interview with me, which would last about 60 mins, either in person or via zoom. The interview will be recorded, and the client will not be asked about their experience of childhood abuse, just the mandatory reporting process during counselling and psychotherapy.

    I am asking for your support with this study, as mandatory reporting is a part of counselling and psychotherapy that impacts us all.Your help would involve advertising the study to the clients attending your practice for counselling and psychotherapy and, where possible past clients and clients who may have terminated their therapy.

    I would appreciate it if you would consider;

    • Placing the recruitment Flyer in your waiting room – physical or virtual (email or text me if you would like some hard copies) 
    • If you have clients you think might be interested in participating in the study and sharing their experience of mandatory reporting, bring their attention to the flyer or webpage. 
    • If you have a mailing list, maybe send out the flyer or webpage.

    Informing clients that the study has commenced and providing them with the study information (see below) will be the extent of your involvement. Potential participants will be free to contact me directly if they wish to participate in the study.

    This video tells you more about the study, giving a brief overview and what would be involved in participation.

    You can find more information on the flyer and information sheet attached, or have a look at my webpage at

    If you would have any questions about the study or would like to have a chat about the it, you can contact me on 086 455 1186 or email

    Further information you can download the Brief Information Sheet & Recruitment Poster.

  • 15/11/2022 10:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The adverse childhood experience of parental problem alcohol use impacts at least 200,000 children and 400,000 adults living with the legacy of this trauma.

    Alcohol Action Ireland, the independent advocate for alcohol harm reduction, has produced a free toolkit of resources for use by children, adults and professionals. Featuring, videos, podcasts, graphics and information sheets, it was created with input from professionals working in this area and by the lived experience of Alcohol Action Ireland's Silent Voices initiative.

    Further information:

    To download the Toolkit click here.

  • 08/11/2022 11:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Group Supervision: Enjoy interconnectivity fulfilling your supervision and/or CPD criteria.

    Elements of my supervision groupwork include having additional support for example a time structure to benefit each member equally. Ensuring each person engages in the group thus making boundaries safer. Your individual well-being will be attended to at the beginning and again before finishing.

    During the group supervision work, observers’ by attending to what is happening in their bodies and naming it, makes explicit the implicit knowledge for the therapist to note.

    For further information look up IAHIP’s Journal, Inside/Out which has published some articles I wrote and are available on-line at

    Vacancies: You may prefer to be part of a new group, a list is forming. You may choose a place at 8am on thursday next 17th Nov.

    Alternatively in-person on Friday 25th Nov at 10am in my room at Athlone (N37DH04).

    Cost: 60 euro per 2 hour session, monthly. (10 sessions per year)

    Delivery: Zoom/ and in person

    If you think you would be interested please make contact.

    Individual supervision is also available.

    Phone 087 755 5680


    Jim FitzGibbon MIAHIP, MICP

  • 08/11/2022 11:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New Online group starting Tuesday 15th Nov 10-12 noon

    Many therapists excel at their clinical work but often don’t take the opportunity to attend to the development of their practice as a business and an expression of their own growth and creativity.

    This online group is for those who are either:

    • Starting out in private practice and wanting to learn how to expand it OR
    • For those already well established but perhaps feeling stuck or have a desire to change their way of working or who they may wish to work with.


    To provide a forum for a small group of psychotherapists to receive clarity, support and challenge to develop their practices and to think beyond their current horizons.


    We will meet monthly, during which time the participants will check in with the group and give an update on their progress. One or two people who would like support will then have the chance to look further at what their issue may be and what may be blocking them from achieving more in their work and practices.


    What will you get from this group?

    1. Fresh perspective and insights on the expanding relevance of psychotherapy
    2. Opportunity to develop your business in the way you desire
    3. Challenge and support
    4. Opportunity to “face-down your demons”/ identify your growing edge
    5. Accountability
    6. Access to a valuable and supportive network of therapists


    Monthly Online for 6 months

    Tuesday Mornings 10am-12noon

    Proposed Dates 15th Nov, 13th Dec, 2022

    10th Jan, 7th Feb, 7th March 4th April  2023

    Cost 80 euro for each 2 hour session

    CPD hours


    Monica Haughey is an experienced psychotherapist and supervisor and recently co-facilitated a training day for Supervisors for IAHIP –“Supervision across the Developmental continuum”. She currently is a group supervisor with DBS and is a former tutor at Turning Point Training Institute for psychotherapists. Alongside her private practice, she has been transferring her psychotherapy skills to the workplace and also runs Creative Entrepreneurs programs for The School of Conscious Living. Monica's passion is to assist individuals and groups in seeing possibilities and thinking beyond their current horizons. She supports senior leaders and Creative entrepreneurs who want to take more agency in their lives, who are recognising that they have more of a contribution and want to align more with their values, strengths and passions.

    If you’d like to hear more do get in touch as places are limited to 6 people.

    See or contact Monica at  to book your space or contact her at 086 606 1015

    Some of the feedback from previous supervision  groups / online webinars:

    Monica provided a safe and explorative space for me to really figure out what I wanted in my work and helped me to move more fully into my private practice and learn when to say No and of course YES! Would highly recommend her work as a supportive, innovative, and skilled practitioner.

    - Maura S, Psychotherapist

    I found the group with Monica to be  very worthwhile. It provided inspiration to think creatively about what a counsellor/psychotherapist has to offer inside and outside of the counselling room. Monica’s easy-going yet professional manner put the group at ease, and so people felt free to share their views and experiences which added immensely to the learning. Monica is an excellent group facilitator.  Would highly recommend her groups.

    - Joanne Woodlock, Student BSc Counselling/Psychotherapy

  • 01/11/2022 15:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Therapy Room available

    95 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2

    Contact us: 087 791 3474


    • Comfortable therapy room available in Dublin 2

    • Wifi for online sessions

    • Art box full of materials

    • Open 7 days a week

    • Evening hours also available

    • Reasonable rates

    • 10-minute walk from St Stephen’s Green

    • Grand Central DART station and Pearse Station both a 15 minute walk away

  • 25/10/2022 17:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Belong To and Trinity College Dublin want to know what it is like to be LGBTQI+ in Ireland today. Take part in the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study today to share your experiences of being an LGBTQI+ person in Ireland.

    In 2016, Belong To and Trinity College Dublin collaborated on The LGBTIreland Report – a ground-breaking national study into the mental health and wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ community in Ireland. Over 2,000 people responded, and the research has been used to advocate for better services, supports and policies for the LGBTQI+ community.

    On the 13th of September, the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland research was launched. This new study will track the changes in the LGBTQI+ community since the last year. The information for TheLGBTIreland Report was collected in 2014/15, before the same-sex marriage referendum and the introduction of the Gender Recognition Act in 2015.

    With this new body of research, we have the chance to see what has changed for the LGBTQI+ community since these major milestones.

    This anonymous research will examine the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQI+ people in the Republic of Ireland and investigate public attitudes towards LGBTQI+ people. The survey is for LGBTQI+ people aged 14 and is anonymous and confidential

    Click here to take part today or visit

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of this study with the research team, please contact Professor Agnes Higgins (research manager) on 089 457 0387, by e-mail at, or visit our website at

  • 25/10/2022 16:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Group Supervision: Enjoy interconnectivity with other experienced psychotherapists while fulfilling your supervision criteria.

    Group facilitator and supervisor Jim FitzGibbon is a re accredited IAHIP, MICP and accredited supervisor until 2027. I want you to feel well, feel safe and feel like interconnecting. I lean into core gestalt modality, oriented towards what is happening in body in the therapeutic relationship. My focus is on giving support in a field relational way, to benefit the client as well as the therapist. In this group supervision model, the feedback of other group members, observers, of the supervisory relationship play an important part.

    Vacancies: There are some morning options and an evening vacancy in existing groups.

    Cost: 60 euro per 2 hour session, monthly.

    Delivery: Zoom as well as in person Places in a zoom supervision group at 8am thursday mornings.

    Also there’s a vacancy in a Friday morning in-person supervision group at Ballykeeran Athlone (N37DH04).

    If you think you would be interested I’d love to hear from you.

    Phone: 087 755 5680 Email:

    Jim FitzGibbon MIAHIP, MICP

  • 11/10/2022 16:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Fully Serviced Counselling, Therapy Room For Rent for one day + evening per week (Wednesdays or Thursdays) in Dublin 2. Can also use room other times of the week if other therapists aren't using it at that time when renting by the month.

    **Reception Personnel During Business Hours To: Greet Guests & Accept and Route Incoming Telephone Calls**

    State-of-the-art air filtration system recently installed.

    Waiting Area for Clients, Elevator, Wifi Heating, Electricity, Serviced Kitchen, Repairs & Maintenance, Building Security Cleaning of Bathrooms (on all floors), Common Areas, Kitchen, Office, Window Cleaning Sheltered Bicycle Lockup, Courtyard (nice in summer) & Building Insurance Included Street & Paid Indoor Parking Available.

    Available from Sept 1st. Rent is for 1 day + evening a week on Mondays €60 for the one day a week, €240 per month, paid monthly.

    From The Website: Number 12 is the most impressive building on the north side of Merrion Square and the jewel in the crown of the Georgian Collection. Visitors to our fully furnished offices are met by a stunning entrance hall with its high ceilings, crystal chandelier and intricate plasterwork. It is also the home of our beautifully appointed Boardroom, available for hosting business functions and meeting clients. Step out of the front door and you are in the heart of Georgian Dublin in all its grandeur. Opposite is the gorgeous Merrion Square Park, a beautiful amenity for both staff and clients. With a prestigious address and splendid surroundings, this is the perfect environment for impressing clients and forging business connections.

  • 11/10/2022 15:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Being Human: Six Ways We Need Each Other

    from Tuesday November 8-December 13th, 6-7.30pm

    (Max Participants 12)

    with Emma Philbin Bowman (BA, MIAHIP)

    "Emma's ability to communicate complex concepts and themes in simple language is a gift"

    Maria, Cork

    "This material is evocative and stirring, encouraging us to stay vividly alive and open. Being Human celebrates our need for various others always. This is a nourishing course that encourages us to evolve and thrive across the arc of our lives."


    In Being Human psychotherapist and facilitator Emma Philbin Bowman explores the rich territory of our relational lives from a fresh and enlivening angle.

    Drawing on an integrative model based in self-psychology and object relations, this highly accessible course explores six forms of connection each of us need in order to thrive: containment, mirroring, twinship, adversity, resonance and partnership. Participants will develop a clear, intuitive understanding of each form and its unique value and potency in our lives with others.

    This material is evocative but gentle, providing a refreshing and spacious lens by which to revisit our lives with others. These is rich territory to explore in a small group, and much of our learning will arise together.

    draws on a rich map from the work of Stephen Cope, the self-object work of Heinz Kohut. The material is also informed by Winnicott, Hillman and contemporary neuroscience. It is designed to benefit participants in their personal process and in their work with others.

    Each week has two elements: brief theoretical content - in clear modules on Teachable - and a live session, where Emma will present the theme and blend group work with more intimate inquiry exercises. (Click through and scroll to view sample modules).

    Special IAHIP pricing available to November 1. [CPD Certs available]

    This course is also available as a stand-alone offering without live sessions – email for info or see my school on teachable.

  • 11/10/2022 15:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” - Glenn Close

    Specialist Adolescent Psychotherapy Supervision

    At LAPCC we provide supervision tailored to individuals, groups and organisations working in clinical, support and educational settings to understand and positively influence adolescent mental health, supporting such presentations as anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm and trauma in developing adolescents.

    Adolescence is a unique, differentiated developmental stage requiring a specialist approach to explore the many facets of adolescent life experience through the prism of the therapeutic relationship.

    Our experienced specialist adolescent supervisors support other professionals in the field with: a) development of skills, b) clinical intervention strategies, c) understanding of specific adolescent mental health issues, d) treatment plan formulation, e) psycho-education, f) parental support interventions, and g) self-care needs while working with young people.

    Individual and monthly group supervision will be available in person in three separate locations. An online option is also available.


    Jennifer Foran (Leinster) MSc, P.Grad.Dip, H.Dip (SIAHIP,MIAHIP, ECP)

    Anne Randolph (Leinster) MSc, H.Dip (SIAHIP, MIAHIP, ECP)

    Gina Dowd (Connaught) BSocSc, MSw, H.Dip Psych, MSc (MIACP)

    For further information:

    contact us at LAPCC on 083 209 6035 or,

    email or,

    visit our website