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Being Human: Six Ways We Need Each Other

11/10/2022 15:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Being Human: Six Ways We Need Each Other

from Tuesday November 8-December 13th, 6-7.30pm

(Max Participants 12)

with Emma Philbin Bowman (BA, MIAHIP)

"Emma's ability to communicate complex concepts and themes in simple language is a gift"

Maria, Cork

"This material is evocative and stirring, encouraging us to stay vividly alive and open. Being Human celebrates our need for various others always. This is a nourishing course that encourages us to evolve and thrive across the arc of our lives."


In Being Human psychotherapist and facilitator Emma Philbin Bowman explores the rich territory of our relational lives from a fresh and enlivening angle.

Drawing on an integrative model based in self-psychology and object relations, this highly accessible course explores six forms of connection each of us need in order to thrive: containment, mirroring, twinship, adversity, resonance and partnership. Participants will develop a clear, intuitive understanding of each form and its unique value and potency in our lives with others.

This material is evocative but gentle, providing a refreshing and spacious lens by which to revisit our lives with others. These is rich territory to explore in a small group, and much of our learning will arise together.

draws on a rich map from the work of Stephen Cope, the self-object work of Heinz Kohut. The material is also informed by Winnicott, Hillman and contemporary neuroscience. It is designed to benefit participants in their personal process and in their work with others.

Each week has two elements: brief theoretical content - in clear modules on Teachable - and a live session, where Emma will present the theme and blend group work with more intimate inquiry exercises. (Click through and scroll to view sample modules).

Special IAHIP pricing available to November 1. [CPD Certs available]

This course is also available as a stand-alone offering without live sessions – email emmapb@me.com for info or see my school on teachable.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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