
  • 21/03/2023 16:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    in conjunction with the


    Presents live on Zoom _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Thursday, 20th April 2023: 7.30pm - 9.00pm (Irish time)


    Antonia Boll

    Jungian Analyst

    Fairy tales, with their focus on life’s challenges, can be read as vital instruction manuals, in allegorical form, when we are compelled to look beyond conventional solutions and seek the guidance of a source beyond the everyday. Talking animals, witches, giants & dwarves can all become catalysts in our journey towards wholeness, re-connecting us to our instinctual nature and the deeper purpose of our lives. M L von Franz says: If any animal gives you advice and you don’t follow it, then you are finished. We will ponder that longing within us for a closer connection to the natural world and to the great web of being of which we are a part. Antonia’s talk will explore those moments in story, at the interface between conscious and unconscious, when we can listen through to the voice of nature.

    Antonia Boll is a member of the Association of Jungian Analysts in London where she contributes to its training programme. She also maintains a close connection to the Re-Vision Centre for Transpersonal & Integrative Therapy, where she taught for 20 years and is honoured as their first Elder. She was a visiting supervisor on the IAAP Router training in Kiev, Ukraine and is in private practice in London.

    Registration closes 19th April @ 6.00pm - Irish time For further Information & Booking:


    This event will be recorded, and the link will be available for 2 weeks for the personal viewing of registered participants only.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________ Admission: €22.42 / Students: €17.07 Booking is via Eventbrite only

    General enquiries, please contact Nola at

  • 21/03/2023 15:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Group Supervision

    In this proposed new group, I would like to tell you what you can expect from my model of psychotherapy group supervision:

    Recently I successfully completed a two-year training for experienced gestalt supervisors with Marguerita Spagnuolo Lobb with Jean Robine, Miriam Taylor and Christine Stevens. This took place in the Gestalt Institute of Italy.

    The shared aim is to give the patient a new perception of their contact boundary.

    First, I want you to feel well, to feel safe and to feel like interconnecting.

    The supervisory process includes:

    • Clear contracting.
    • Inclusion and slowing down to support group anxiety.
    • Attending to the relational dance in the therapeutic relationship;
    • Attending to the patient's embodied presence in relation to the therapist; how they make contact;
    • Exploring the therapist's experience of this contact;
    • Affirming the intentionality of the therapist.
    • Switching to joy is deliberately attended to.

    Delivery: On line. Fee: 60 euros, payable on the day.

    In a group of four, meetings are held monthly Friday 24th March at 11am for two hours.

    If you would like to ask me more about this support, please call me at 087 755 5680 or email me at

  • 14/03/2023 15:17 | Anonymous

    CPD Family Constellations Ireland

    Training and Workshops

    In 2023, Brendan and Eileen O’Brien of Family Constellations Ireland are delighted to offer:

    • Core Concepts of Family Constellations - Facilitation Training in Dublin, starts October 2023
    • 3 Day Introduction to Family Constellations for Therapists and Practitioners, June 2023
    • Core Concepts of Family Constellations - Facilitation Training in Cork (hosted by MTU Counselling and Psychotherapy Graduates Association)
    • Family Constellations Workshops in Cork and Dublin
    • Workshops for those directly bereaved/affected by Suicide in their Family (Free)

    All our Training and Workshops fulfil conditions for CPD with IACP and IAHIP and are generally accepted by other professional certifying bodies. Full details here:

    Core Concepts of Family Constellations - Level One, Dublin 2023-24 (80 hours)

    Learn the history, theory and practice of Family Constellations Work in a safe and supportive environment. The experiential training includes inputs, exercises and presentations, as well as the opportunity for each participant to do one personal constellation. The Constellations will give us an opportunity to Observe and Practise the theory as well as develop the Skills involved in Constellation Work. Participants will receive reading material and resources for each module.

    Based on the needs of the group, we will offer opportunities for reflection, personal development and small group work in a safe and supervised setting.

    Friday-Sunday, one weekend per month.

    Dates: October 13th-15th, December 1st-3rd, February 9th-11th, March 22nd-24th

    Training Suitable For:

    ● Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Doctors and Health Professionals who wish to enhance their existing practice

    ● Helping Professionals in areas such as Education, Justice, Youth Work and Social Care

    ● All those who work with families who have to cope with trauma, violence, addiction and a range of other difficulties.

    ● Individuals interested in exploring their own family story. More information:

    We will be teaching Core Concepts of Family Constellations, Level One in Cork as well, but the Training will be hosted by the MTU (CIT) Counselling and Psychotherapy Graduates Association. The Association will be in touch with their members soon with all the details.

    Introduction to Constellation Practice - Dublin, June 2023 (20 hours)

    A three-day experiential Introduction to Family Constellations that will support therapists and professionals as they develop new skills for their work with clients.

    The Course will run from June 16-18 and include:

    ● Individual Constellations

    ● Introduction to The Orders of Love

    ● Dealing with Transgenerational Trauma

    ● Demonstration using Dolls (Figurines) in a Counselling Setting

    Family Constellations Workshops (14 hours)

    Two-day workshops where participants support one another to explore issues or concerns that are having an impact on their family life. Great healing can occur when hidden dynamics in the family system are revealed.

    All Spring Workshops are now full, but we are operating a waiting list in case of cancellations. Autumn dates will be announced soon.

    Dublin: February 25-26 and May 13-14

    Cork: March 25-26 and April 15-16

    Workshops on Suicide

    Two-day workshops where participants, who have been directly bereaved or affected by suicide in their family, support one another to look afresh at a difficult time in their family story in a safe and supportive setting. In our experience, the work is very helpful to people who have had some time to grieve their loss.

    Dublin: May 27-28 (Free)

  • 14/03/2023 15:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    My name is Ashika Bridglall. I am a final year student on the Turning Point Institute (TPI) M.Sc. in Integrative Counsel-ling and Psychotherapy, which is validated and awarded by University College Cork.

    I wish to carry out qualitative research on the experiences of integrative psychotherapists of working therapeutically with male factor infertility in Ireland, and to understand how they intervene.

    The title of my research is, A qualitative exploration of the experience of integrative psychotherapist’s working therapeutically with male factor infertility in Ireland, and how they intervene.

    My supervisor is Marie Walshe: Clinical Director, Psychoanalyst, Supervisor.

    I would like your help to further explore this area. I am seeking participants fully accredited with the psychotherapy professional bodies in Ireland, i.e., ICAP, IAHIP, IFCA etc.

    The study will be undertaken via a semi-structured interview format, lasting 45-60minutes. Participation is voluntary, and participants can withdraw from the study up to two weeks from the interview.

    No identifying information will be used in the study and all responses received will be discussed in the study, anonymously. Should you wish to participate in the study, please contact me at the email below

    I would greatly appreciate your help and time in this study.

    Thanking you, Ashika


  • 07/03/2023 14:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Cultural Humility

    With Charles Brown and Malcolm Phillips

    Cultural Competency and Awareness Training

    Friday March 31st and Saturday 1st April | 9:30am – 5pm

    Dublin City University, Collins Ave, Dublin 9

    Malcolm Phillips is a board member of the UK Chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists. He has spent over 30 years developing and managing mental health and counselling services for Black communities in the NHS, local authorities and in the voluntary sector. He was the founder and chair of Safoa, the National African and Caribbean Mental Health Network. Malcolm is currently the Director of Kawaida Therapy which provides individual and group support to Black communities and organisations, addressing racial trauma, and building resilience. Malcolm also delivers a Diploma course in Black Psychology and African-Centred Therapy.

    Charles Brown is a practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist, an addiction therapist and clinical supervisor in independent practice. He is a member of The Guild of Psychotherapists, a UKCP Honorary Fellow, and Chair of The British Association for Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Supervisors. Charles is Chair of the Race and Culture Committee at the UKCP Council for Psychoanalytic and Jungian Analyst College and past Chair of the Ethics Committee. He currently sits as a member of Executive. Charles is an Honorary Associate member of the Association of Individual and Group Psychotherapists (AGIP). Charles is a visiting lecturer at The University of East London where he lectures on the MA social work course. He is a training psychotherapist and supervisor and teaches on several psychoanalytic trainings. He has published several articles and contributed to book chapters.

    Cost for Attending Two Days Cultural Humility Training

    €60 Unwaged / €150 Waged Early Bird (Before February 28th, 2023)

    €90 Unwaged / €200 Waged Registration Between March 1st and March 31st, 2023)

    Race for Mental Health: Cultural Humility Training

  • 07/03/2023 11:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    When: 19th – 21st May 2023

    Where: Online (Zoom)

    Cost: £445.00

    Early bird price available till 19th April.

    CPD: 24 hours

    Endorsed by such leading authors as Dr Gabor Mate, Bessel van der Kolk and Norman Doidge, Brainspotting can quickly release symptoms of trauma, bringing relief from the experience of psychological and physical pain. Principles of Brainspotting work hand in hand and reflect the latest developments in neuroscience.

    In Brainspotting we are tapping into the brain’s inherent capacity for self-organising and self-healing. It can be easily integrated into your clinical practice, enhancing any therapeutic model.

    In Phase 1 training you will discover how to access dissociated traumatic memories stored in the deep subcortical brain. You will learn how to use eye positions to locate, process and release trauma. This level of healing can be achieved neither through language nor will.

    Brainspotting will take your practice and the relationship with your client to a whole new dimension, bringing deep healing and lasting change.

    Watch a brief introduction by the trainer Monika Gos here:

    For more information visit us at:

    If you are in two minds about joining a full three-day training in Brainspotting, we invite you to come to this free webinar: Saturday, 11th March at 11:00 – 12:00 GMT

    As we are celebrating twenty years since the discovery of Brainspotting, a special offer is available. If you attend this free webinar, you will get a 20% discount on our Phase 1 training in May. If you bring a friend, you will get a further discount, up to 30%.

    For more information, please write to us:

  • 28/02/2023 17:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Fellow IAHIP member,

    ‘After the goodbye……?’

    What happens for us when we end with a long term client?

    Seeking 4 more research participants:

    I have already interviewed 8 participants all of whom thought it was useful reflective experience.

    I am looking for 4 more participants that are IAHIP accredited psychotherapists (fully accredited 4 years+) and who have worked with some clients for a period of 12 months +.

    I am researching the experiences of psychotherapists in the aftermath of long term work with clients. This is a under-researched area in clinical practice.

    This research constitutes part of a Psychology doctorate under the auspices of Teesside University (UK). Interviews which can be remote / electronic will take approximately 60 minutes.

    Further details are available in my ‘Participant Information Sheet’ which can be emailed to you WITHOUT any obligation to take part.

    If you wish to know more, please contact me:


  • 21/02/2023 15:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Therapy Room available in Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 from April 1st. The room is bright, quiet and private, located at the back of the building.

    It will be available on Mondays and Tuesdays.

    If you are interested please call:

    Seamus Connolly on 086 820 6358 or email

  • 21/02/2023 15:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Do you like Paris in the Springtime?

    Join us at the Hotel Louvois, Paris for an amazing 3-day writing & literature event!

     11-13 April 2023

    Check it all out at this page

    Image (c)manolofranco

    Martin Keaveney Creative Writing /

  • 14/02/2023 15:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I am currently undertaking a qualitative research study which seeks to explore, from a psychotherapeutic perspective, the effects of adapting and living with involuntary childlessness.

    I am reaching out to humanistic and integrative psychotherapeutic who would be willing to participate in a semi-structured qualitative interview, lasting between 45-60 mins. Interviews can be conducted in-person or online, over February and March, and will consist of a series of questions relating to the research question and your own work. Your identity will be protected.

    For full details of the study and to express your interest to participant, please see the attached information sheet.