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Bronagh Starrs – New Publication

28/11/2023 16:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Bronagh Starrs
New Publication

Adolescent Configuration Styles, Parenting and Psychotherapy – A Relational Perspective

“Starrs integrates psychological theory, developmental neuroscience, deep clinical wisdom, and profound empathy into a highly readable guide that belongs in the hands of anyone who cares for teenagers and their parents.”
- Lisa Damour, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of UntangledUnder Pressure, and The Emotional Lives of Teenager

“At last, we have a book which offers a framework for understanding the teenager’s psychological world. Starrs’ work is directed towards development and growth, not on the pathology of adolescence. A joy to read.”
-Irena Bezić, PhD,President of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) and Co-founder of Centar IGW Zagreb.

“There are few who can match Starrs’ depth of phenomenological attunement and degree of therapeutic sensibility with adolescents. She illustrates a masterful approach. A must-read for therapists, parents and anyone involved in the lives of teenagers.”
- Richie Sadlier, bestselling author of Recovering and Let’s Talk

“I was enthralled by the examples, they relate so well to my own experience of young people, as a professional and a parent of four. This is essential reading for all who work therapeutically with adolescents.”
- Sue Pattison, PhD,Co-Editor The Sage Handbook of Counselling Children and Young People.

“From beginning to end the book oozes rich and meaningful therapeutic experience. A must read for anyone engaged in therapeutic work with adolescents, or in any other domain, and for parents.”
- Dominic McSherry, PhD, Reader in Psychology, Ulster University and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

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