I am a final year/fourth-year student undertaking a M.Sc. in Psychotherapy in Dublin City University. I am currently conducting research as part of the course.
The title of my research project is: Psychotherapists experiences of working in Ireland with women who have undergone an abortion
The study aims to gain insight into psychotherapists experiences of working with women who have undergone an abortion at any stage of their lives. It aims to explore psychotherapists experiences of the disclosure of an abortion and its impact on the therapeutic work and relationship.
Participants must be qualified and accredited psychotherapists. Participation would involve a one-hour, in-person or online interview.
If you would like any further information regarding the research or would like to participate, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at
eileen.osullivan89@mail.dcu.ie or by phone on 087 119 4768
The deadline for participation is the 30th of November, 2023