Moving, Sensing, Feeling, Bodies: Renewing Hope in a Fracturing World
When 14/15 October 2023
Where: Limerick, Ireland
‘Last remaining places available for an exciting conference’
From our earliest years of life, it is through our bodies-in-relation to other bodies that we make sense of experience. In an increasingly fracturing world affected by wars, climate crisis, and migration of people from their homelands, we will explore how our embodied knowing can permeate the relational situation to instill hope.
Building on these themes, our conference gathering aims to…
- Offer creative ways of paying attention to a moment by moment, movement by movement unfolding of our contacting with each other, attending to the embodied vitality of hope.
- Create a space to dialogue and explore, how our bodies are implicitly shaping, and being shaped by, relational possibilities.
- Explore what we can learn from adjacent disciplines about our embodied intuition of a fracturing field, moving and sensing before and beyond languaged experience.
This Conference will be of interest to Gestalt, Humanistic, Integrative Psychotherapists, Supervisors and students.
Our speakers will offer exciting provocations and embodied explorations for those of us interested to (re)turn home to our bodies, a moving emergent body that is of a relational situation and a field.
We hope you will join us in co-creating possibilities for renewal, restoration and hope in the midst of a fracturing world replete with pain.
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